Report: Communist China Is Throwing Christians Into Torturous ‘Brainwashing’ Camps

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The Chinese Communist Party is rounding up Christians in “secretive, mobile transformation facilities” and demanding that they reject their faith, according to a report from Radio Free Asia.

Using multiple state-run agencies, the proudly atheist communist regime has raided house churches in multiple regions including in the southwest and held Christians captive in facilities where some victims say they were “beaten, verbally abused and mentally tortured by staff.”

“It was a mobile facility, that could just set up in some basement somewhere. It was staffed by people from several different government departments,” said a man with the pseudonym Li Yuese, a Christian who was imprisoned for 10 months in a “windowless room” after the CCP raided his church in 2018. “They threaten, insult, and intimidate you. These were United Front officials, men, women, sometimes unidentified, usually in plain clothes. The police turn a blind eye to this.”

Many of the people Li was held with, he said, “hadn’t done anything that could trigger any criminal prosecution” so they were forced into “transformation facilities” with “no windows, no ventilation, no time allowed outside” and limited meals. Authorities at these facilities reportedly sent those who refused to “admit their mistakes” into “solitary confinement for prolonged periods” and subjected them to beatings.

“They were using brainwashing methods on those of us who were on bail from the detention center,” Li said, noting that “there is no time limit for the brainwashing…


Read the full story here: Source – Report: Communist China Is Throwing Christians Into Torturous ‘Brainwashing’ Camps

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