Report 46: Lipid Nanoparticles – Hijacking Nature

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This War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Volunteer report, edited by Dr. Chris Flowers, MD, is a deep dive into the history of lipid nanoparticles and their use by pharmaceutical companies as a vehicle for mRNA delivery in the COVID vaccines.

This report delves into the history of lipid nanoparticles and their use by pharmaceutical companies as a casing for mRNA in the COVID vaccines. It was concluded that the use of the lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA amounts to a drug of mass destruction via the use of a gene-altering, stealth medical device.

Without the lipid nanoparticles, mRNA cannot enter cells, and the body would destroy the mRNA because it is a foreign protein. That led to the use of lipid nanoparticles to encase the mRNA to allow it to travel throughout the body.

The lipid nanoparticles are synthetic fat molecules that mimic a natural fat molecule. So, they are not recognized as a threat and are not destroyed by the immune response as a foreign invader, which allows them to enter and release their mRNA cargo inside the cell. The mRNA then hijacks and tricks the cell into synthesizing the foreign protein.


Causes for Concern

The team identified several concerns related to the vaccine campaign and rollout:

  1. The violation of people’s right to make their own healthcare decisions by denying access to approved safe and effective therapeutics and proper care.
    2. People have been coerced, bribed, and forced into taking experimental novel drugs which have not gone through standard testing and trials for safety and efficacy; and they are not able to give true informed consent. Those who do not comply are canceled, denied jobs, livelihoods, businesses, and educations and are being persecuted and treated like criminals.
    3. Our rights are encompassed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and enshrined in the United States Constitution. They are being violated daily by the coordinated illegal actions of fraud, treason, overreaching, outright tyranny, and crimes against humanity committed by the government, Big Pharma, healthcare systems, mainstream media, Big Tech, and big corporations.


The full report the team has put together, edited, and presented by Dr. Chris Flowers follows:



Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are synthetic lipids developed in the laboratory over time, but the technology has many unknowns. It is so new that there are no long-term studies on their impact on health. However, studies done before Pfizer was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) revealed LNPs are very invasive and travel everywhere in the body, including most, if not all, organs. Pfizer told the world their mRNA gene therapy drug, a so-called ‘vaccine’ stayed in…

Read full story here: Report 46: Lipid Nanoparticles – Hijacking Nature – DailyClout

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