Report 44: Is mRNA-LNP Vaccine-Induced Immunity Inheritable? A Preprint Study Shows It Is

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Some traits acquired via the mRNA-LNP injections are passed genetically from parents to their offspring. The implications of this new finding are profound. Because of this inheritability, mRNA gene therapies – including mRNA “vaccines” – must be prohibited, at least until more is known, for expecting mothers as well as for parents who are planning to conceive children. As it becomes undeniable that mRNA treatments expose the general population to severe risks, no chances should be taken with unborn babies whose immune systems might be altered in irreversible ways.


A preprint study by scientists with the Jefferson University in Philadelphia [Zhen Qi et al. (2022)] received significant attention, as it provides answers to a question many people have had since the roll out of the mRNA COVID vaccine: do the mRNA vaccines change the immune system?

After hundreds of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered globally, fears of altered immune systems have proven justified and supported by recent studies. Zhen Qi et al. reference several articles, such as an important paper awaiting peer review, [Föhse et al. (2021)], which show the Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine reprograms both adaptive and immune responses. Another study [Arunachalam et al. (2021)] indicates significant changes in the immune system after receiving the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine.

Zhen Qi et al. shed light on some mechanisms of how mRNA vaccines change the immune system, by presenting experimental evidence that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs (Liquid Nanoparticles), or LNPs only, affects innate and adaptive immune system responses. The study indicates that LNPs, a critical component of mRNA vaccines, are responsible for modifying and weakening the immune system. Contrary to initial assessments, LNPs are not inert carriers or protectors of the mRNA. On the contrary, they are a highly inflammatory platform. Yet, they are critical in triggering adaptive immune responses [Ndeupen et al. (2021)]. In fact, the altered immune responses appear to be caused by the inflammatory LNPs. This is consistent with earlier studies that linked inflammation to a poor responsiveness to vaccination, such as [Trzonkowski et al. (2003)].

The study also contains a revelation. The authors discovered that some acquired immune traits via the mRNA-LNP injections can be inherited by offspring. Even though the results are obtained for mice, it is conceivable humans might experience similar effects. The study raises urgent questions about the safety of mRNA vaccines and should motivate further research to determine the true impact of the mRNA-LNP vaccines on the human immune system.

Experimental results

The first aim of Zhen Qi et al. study was to assess if a previous exposure to mRNA-LNPs influences the immune response to secondary vaccination. To prove this, they conducted several experiments on mice. The basic setup has three groups of mice: 1) the control group with mice injected with a placebo (i.e., a saline solution), 2) one group with mice injected with mRNA-LNPs coding for a harmless protein, and 3) one group injected with LNPs only.

The mice in the three groups were subsequently inoculated with mRNA-LNPs coding for influenza, and the mice immune responses were studied. The idea was that the mice were going to develop antibodies following the mRNA-LNP influenza shot (i.e., the mRNA-LNP coded for influenza is an mRNA flu vaccine).

The experimental results showed that adaptive immune responses of the mice injected either with mRNA-LNPs, or LNPs only, were inhibited compared to the mice injected with the placebo, showing reduced antibody, B-cell and T-cell responses. B and T-cells are part of the adaptive immune system and attack pathogens in a powerful and targeted way. There was no significant difference between the mice pre-exposed to mRNA-LNPs and those exposed to LNPs only, implying that LNPs play a significant role in the inhibition of the immune response. The authors found, “This inhibition of the adaptive immune responses was relatively long lasting, with effects seen for at least 4 weeks, while starting to wane after 8 weeks.” Zhen Qi et al. observe this finding is in agreement with several studies that show mRNA vaccines have an improved antibody response if there is a longer time interval between subsequent injections.

There is some good news. The results in this study show that adjuvants – i.e., substances added to the vaccines for improvement – might remedy the immune-suppression induced by pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs. However, to the best of these authors’ knowledge, it is not clear if adjuvants have been considered or if they are at all viable for human mRNA vaccines.

The second aim of this research was to investigate the interaction between pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs and subsequent infections. The authors found that mice pre-exposed to mRNA-LNPs have improved resistance if infected with influenza, but decreased resistance to Candida Albicans, a yeast infection. The resistance to influenza is surprising, since the mice injected with mRNA-LNPs showed a weak immune response after receiving the mRNA influenza shot.  The stronger reaction to influenza is not due to an improvement of immune system but likely is induced by the inflammatory LNPs. The increased vulnerability to Candida Albicans is an indication of impairment of the innate immune system. The authors experimentally confirmed that mice pre-exposed to mRNA-LNPs had a significantly lower percentage of neutrophils, the first line of innate defense for bacterial and fungal infections, which explained the vulnerability to Candida Albicans.

A third important result is that immune changes induced by pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP can be inherited.  In mice injected with mRNA-LNP coding for influenza, the protection against influenza was successfully passed down to the offspring, with both male and female parent playing an important role. Zhen Qi et al. write “the highly inflammatory properties of the mRNA-LNP platform might have induced the inherited changes,” as opposed to a strengthened immune system. Questions left unanswered in this study should prompt future research. The mechanism of inheritance is not understood, it is unknown how long after the exposure to mRNA-LNP that the parents can still pass down the immune traits, if the offspring’s resistance to bacterial and fungal infections decreases, if the inherited immune changes alter the adaptive immune responses, and most importantly if humans are going to experience a similar genetic transmission.

Implications for humans

The results in this study give an indication of what humans are going to experience, since mice are routinely used in experiments to gain a preliminary understanding of how pathogens or drugs might affect humans. Inhibition of the immune responses following mRNA-LNP injections does not appear to be limited to mice. Zhen Qi et al. provide reference to several articles that show the resurgence of viral infections following a COVID-19 vaccination. A recent retrospective study found that vaccinated people might show a higher risk of infection than unvaccinated individual nine months post-vaccination [Nordstrom et al. (2022)]. A potential sign of immune suppression comes from reports of viral reactivation after the COVID-19 vaccination, such as Zoster Meningitis [Daouk et al. (2022)], Ramsay Hunt Syndrome [Woo et al. (2022)], Epstein Barr virus [Herzum et al. (2022)] and  Hepatitis C [Lensen et al. (2021)]. There is also increased risk for bacterial infections in open heart surgeries that could not be controlled with long-term antibiotic treatments, resulting in several deaths [Yamomoto, K (2022)].

Repeated mRNA-LNP shots inhibited mice immune system responses. It will be important to fully understand if this result can be applied to humans, especially with the deployment of Omicron boosters. (Some people will receive their fifth shot this fall.) Recent data from the vaccine surveillance report from the United Kingdom appear to be in agreement with the experimental results for mice. In his September 7, 2022, Substack post, Alex Berenson writes, “The HSA (Health Security Agency) survey shows that almost everyone who is hospitalized with Covid in Britain has had at least two vaccine shots, including 87 percent of people 40-64, close to 95 percent of those 65 and over. The vast majority of those have had three shots. Data this ugly explains why the White House is now proposing Americans get mRNA shots only once a year, a significant easing of previous pressure to get jabbed twice or even three times a year .” A significant takeaway of the report is that receiving multiple boosters has a negative effect on health, not unlike what was observed for the mice. Despite this worrisome data, Pfizer and Moderna do not show signs of slowing down; on the contrary they are racing to introduce new mRNA flu vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer start Phase 3 trial for flu mRNA vaccines).

The most important finding of Zhen Qi et al. study is the genetic transmission of some traits acquired via the mRNA-LNP injections. The implications of this result for humans are profound if substantiated. Until then, it is these authors’ opinion that mRNA vaccines should be prohibited for expecting mothers and for parents who are planning to have a child. It is becoming clear mRNA vaccines expose the general population to unnecessary and severe risks, and no chances should be taken with unborn babies, whose immune systems might be in danger of being altered in a potentially irreversible way.


*Source: Report 44: Is mRNA-LNP Vaccine-Induced Immunity Inheritable? A Preprint Study Shows It Is. – DailyClout

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