Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene BRUTALLY Strikes Back Against Ilhan Omar

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Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene is fighting back.


Another Republican with a fighting spirit and a backbone.

We were starting to get afraid that President Trump was the only one…

But perhaps he’s inspired a new generation of Republicans to finally fight back.

Democrats tried to “cancel” Greene by voting her off of Committees.

But Greene struck back hard at Rep. Ilhan Omar, who is one of the Democrats targeting Greene the most.

Greene tweeted:

You provided aid and comfort to enemies of the American people that rioted violently in your state by sharing MFF bail bond links.

And by the way, marrying your brother is ILLEGAL in Minnesota.



Talk about a major burn, especially since most liberals probably don’t even know that Ilhan Omar married her own brother.

This was likely a red pill moment for many observers.

It looks like Greene’s backbone is inspiring other Republicans.

USA Today reports that Republicans are now targeting Ilhan Omar in retaliation for targeting Greene:

Congressional Republicans are retaliating against Democrats for trying to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committees because of past violent rhetoric and her promotion of conspiracy theories by attempting to do the same to Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The full House will vote Thursday to strip Greene of her committee spots after a number of social media posts resurfaced causing Republicans and Democrats to denounce the Georgia Republican. The posts show Greene directed violent rhetoric at prominent Democrats and endorsed various conspiracy theories, like that some school shootings were staged and space lasers were causing deadly wildfires in California.

In response, a group of House Republicans is seeking to remove Omar from her House committee assignments.

While the proposal is all but certain to go nowhere in the House where Democrats hold a majority, it’s a messaging move by Republican lawmakers who are on the defensive about Greene’s incendiary comments and social media posts.

House Republicans Brian Babin of Texas, Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Jody Hice of Georgia, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Ronny Jackson of Texas – who, like Greene, also spread misinformation about election fraud – sponsored a proposed amendment to remove Omar from committees, first reported by FOX News.

“Leftist Members of Congress have advocated for violence, anti-Semitism, anti-law enforcement, & other sentiments that have violated rules of decorum & principles of American decency,” Biggs tweeted Wednesday. “That’s why I’m calling for Rep Omar to be removed from her committee.”

Babin claims several of instances as evidence for Omar’s removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, including her February 2019 tweet “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” responding to a comment made by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about punishing Omar for being critical of Israel.

Omar’s tweet triggered swift backlash from both sides of the aisle, with critics accusing her of calling on anti-Semitic stereotypes.

After the backlash, Omar apologized for her tweet. “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes,” Omar tweeted. “My intention I never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole.”

The ironic thing is that by targeting Greene, Democrats are beginning to expose themselves as frauds to the general public.

And as though this story wasn’t great enough, there’s even more!

Greene is now pushing for both Omar and Tlaib to RETAKE their oaths…

… on a BIBLE!

The Independent confirms:

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon-supporting Republican who is known for pushing conspiracy theories and making racists comments, previously tried to force Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to retake their congressional oaths on the Bible.

Video footage surfaced on Wednesday of Ms Greene walking through the halls of Congress prior to being elected as a Georgia representative.

In the footage, she was claiming that Ms Omar and Ms Tlaib were illegitimate Democratic representatives because they took their oaths of office on the Quran instead of the Bible.

“We’re going to explain about how you can’t swear in on the Quran,” Ms Greene said in the footage. “We’re going to have the Bible and ask them if they would swear in on the Bible … I think that’s important.”

Someone off-camera then told Ms Greene that she was “infringing” on the two representatives’ religion by asking them to take their oaths of office with the Bible instead of the Quran.

“It wasn’t a law yet … at the time they swore in. I think at the time they swore in it wasn’t passed, because it wouldn’t pass in a Republican-controlled … “ Ms Greene said. “So they’re not really official, I don’t think.”

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

Of course, Democrats will likely accuse Rep Greene of “hateful” comments.

But those comments pale in comparison to the many things that the Squad has said over the years!


Article Source: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene BRUTALLY Strikes Back Against Ilhan Omar

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