Red Cross Caught Spiking Blood with Covid mRNA Vax

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The American Red Cross has been caught pumping unvaccinated patients with blood that has been tainted with Covid mRNA vaccines.

The organization claims that it prevents patients who’ve recently received a Covid vaccine from donating blood.

However, a worker tells an undercover journalist they don’t separate donated blood by vaccination status.

They also often mix the two together to contaminate the unvaxxed blood with Covid mRNA vaccines.

Blood batches that have been spiked with mRNA vaccines and are routinely transfused into unwitting patients, officials with the American Red Cross told an undercover journalist.

Following revelations that the American Red Cross is asking potential blood donors whether they’ve recently received a COVID-19 vaccine, undercover journalists with Stephen Crowder’s Louder With Crowder team found that the Red Cross does not separate donated blood by vaccination status, despite screening for vaccination.

“[In] situations where you may be in a car accident or something, you need blood right away, there is a possibility that you’ll be getting vaccinated blood,” a phone operator at the American Red Cross told an undercover journalist posing as a physician.

Asked if a patient could possibly learn whether they were receiving “vaccinated blood,” the Red Cross worker replied, “There isn’t any way.

“The blood isn’t separated, you know, depending on if you’re vaccinated or not.”

The worker added, “The only way that they can get it, blood that’s not vaccinated, is if they donate for themselves, or if they have a family member that’s willing to donate for them.”

Elsewhere in the call, the Red Cross worker described an anecdote of a situation in which a blood donation from a vaccinated person was denied because she began experiencing ringing in her ears, a common side effect associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

“So, some people have had the vaccine two years ago and are still experiencing some type of symptoms, so that’s why we specifically ask regarding that one,” the worker said.

“Like for instance,” the Red Cross worker continued, “I’ve had one donor before call in and after she received the vaccine, her doctor was able to find that she had a direct correlation to ringing in the ears afterwards.

“And so we see that as a symptom — so anything abnormal, and it proceeds to this day — so she essentially wasn’t eligible to donate.”


BREAKING: @RedCross official tells undercover journalist they DO NOT SEPARATE donated blood based on COVID-19 vaccination status; ADMITS unvaccinated recipients can UNWITTINGLY RECEIVE blood from vaccinated donors


— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) February 21, 2024

The Red Cross’s tacit admission there could be something wrong with blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated patient comes as social media users this week discovered the group is now asking potential donors if they have “EVER had a Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?”

🚨The American Red Cross is now asking blood donors if they ever received the Covid vaccine

If you answer Yes, they want you to call ahead to see if you’re still eligible

I thought the vax was “safe and effective”?

What info are they hiding from us?

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) February 20, 2024

If answered “Yes,” the Red Cross tells potential donors to call a 1-800 number to check if they’re still eligible to donate.

Tthe problem of vaccine-tainted blood circulating in the blood supply has become a major issue over the past three years.

Some Americans have been refusing transfusions from COVID-19-vaccinated donors.

The Red Cross’s hesitancy to accept vaccinated blood appears to validate concerns by people who were skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

However, the Crowder team’s latest revelations now highlight a new problem where vaccine-tainted blood is integrated into the blood supply.


Source: Red Cross Caught Spiking Blood with Covid mRNA Vax – News Addicts

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