‘Radiation From All Cell Phones Is Dangerous’: Russian Agency

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Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian agency for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, said radiation from all cell phones is dangerous.

“Radiation from all cell phones is dangerous for humans, especially for children. It is important to follow safety rules when talking on a mobile phone: the call should not last more than two minutes, and the minimum pause between calls should be at least 15 minutes,” a spokesman for the agency said.

The spokesman recommended that cell phones be carried in bags instead of pockets.

The statement comes as France has demanded Apple remove the iPhone 12 from shelves after it failed to pass a radiation test.

France’s National Frequency Agency (ANFR) said the iPhone 12 failed one of two electromagnetic wave tests.

In the test, the National National Frequency Agency uses a liquid-filled mold to represent the human head and body.

Devices then transmit electromagnetic radiation at their maximum power for six minutes.

While testing 141 phones, the agency discovered that the iPhone 12’s electromagnetic energy absorption is 5.74 watts per kilogram while being carried in a hand or pocket, greater than the European Union’s (EU) standard of 4 watts per kilogram.

Reporting from RT:

The iPhone 12 was introduced in October 2020 and has continued to be popular due to a lower price point than the subsequent models. Apple disputes the French findings, claiming that the model has a SAR of 0.99 W/kg when measured by the EU standard.

However, the American tech giant has been accused of violating radiation standards before. In the US, Apple and Korean manufacturer Samsung were sued in 2019 after research found that the iPhone 8, iPhone X, and Galaxy S8 exceeded federal radiation limits by up to 500%.


Source: ‘Radiation From All Cell Phones Is Dangerous’: Russian Agency – American Faith

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