R. F. Kennedy, Jr. Sounds Alarm Over “Genocidal Crimes” Of Dr Fauci & Bill Gates

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The nephew of former president John F. Kennedy makes a video statement that Dr Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates should be investigated for COVID vaccine crimes against humanity.

Kennedy, a lawyer who won a critical anti-vax case against the CDC earlier this year is urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown.

mRNA directly alters the genetic material of those who receive it, much like what happens when “scientists” genetically engineer (GMO) food crops like soybeans or corn to make them resistant to bugs or drought.

“This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial,” Kennedy says.

Unlike all other vaccines, the genetic damage of which is not necessarily permanent, mRNA genetic damage is “irreversible and irreparable,” Kennedy notes.

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