Project Veritas Papers Lead Directly To World Economic Forum

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The Boston Consulting Group paper Project Veritas recently published, given to Project Veritas by Journalist George Webb directly to CEO James O’Keefe in front of 5,000 Twitter Space witnesses, has garnered 2.4 M views in less than 24 hours. No attribution or acknowledgment was given by Project Veritas.

Three days ago, a Twitter Spaces audience of 11,000 people witnessed my offer to give Project Veritas the Jordon Walker Boston Consulting Group paper that tied Walker’s BSG Team to institutionalize Remdisivir in all US Hospitals after two failed drug trials.

Later that evening, I repeated the offering of giving the key smoking gun to Walker BSG memo linking the World Economic Forum to installing Remdesivir as the Standard of Care in all US Hospitals.

Two days later, an audience of 5,000 people on Grant Codone’s Twitter Space witnessed me finally getting through the gatekeeper to give this information to James O’Keefe directly, live.

Is Project Veritas missing the bigger part of the Jordan Walker story?

How about the connection of Boston Consulting Group to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s Directed Evolution Initiative?

In future posts, I will explain how I believe Boston Consulting is repackaging the Directed Evolution solution set developed by Harvard Wuhan Chair Dr. Michael Callahan since 2009 as the new solution set for the BioPharma sector with Pfizer being the first customer at its Pearl River Lab in New York.

Despite outlining all the Boston Consulting Group co-authors of Jordan Walker’s May 8th, 2020 whitepaper on Remdesivir, Project Veritas chose to excise the BSC co-authors from the story, and the incredibly strong partnership BSG had with the World Economic Forum in establishing lockdowns in the United States and abroad, and in the BSG-WEF initiative to reestablish Remdesivir as a therapeutic for a whole class pandemic viruses.

It is clear from the Jordon Walker BCG paper that Remdesivir is being positioned against Hydroxychloroquine with the two other candidates. The litonavir/liponavir alternative outline is actually misspelled Ritonavir, and that drug is a component of Pfizer’s Plaxovid therapeutic famously taken three times by President Joe Biden.

The mission of the Boston Consulting Group whitepaper seems to be to reintroduce the twice-failed Remdesivir while clearing positioning Remdesivir against HCQ. The Pfizer drug is misspelled and not quoted by its more popularly known trade name. Plaxovid.

Project Veritas has chosen to present just a sliver of the Boston Consulting Group paper smoking gun, leading directly to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum partnership with BCG and the resurrection of Remdesivir as a viable COVID-19 therapeutic.

Instead, Project Veritas has chosen to focus only on Jordon Walker alone, making him out to be a sort of Lee Harvey Oswald patsy to hide the BSG-WEF Remdesivir initiative.

Project Veritas seems to be complicit in creating a Mass Formation Psychosis around Jordon Walker as the key poster-boy evidence that Pfizer is doing “Direct Evolution”. Project Veritas even parked an LED truck outside of Pfizer Headquarters on 42nd Street in New York to emphasize the point.

Despite giving Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe a detailed explanation of how Gain of Function was not equivalent to Direct Evolution, Project Veritas continues to conflate the two and promotes the Mass Formation Psychosis around only Jordan Walker and Pfizer, ignoring the must more Senior co-authors of the BCG Remdesivir paper.

Meanwhile, world-renowned cardiologist, Peter McCullough, a leading expert on COVID, calls me “very credible” with my linkage of Boston Consulting Group to Remdesivir.

In addition to providing the distinction between Gain of Function and Directed Evolution on a live Twitter Space with 5,000 witnesses, I also outlined the key players with the real status and gravitas at Boston Consulting Group who engineered the rigging of Remdesivir in American hospitals as the only Standard of Care.

Last year, I attended every day of the Charles Lieber trial which covered Thousand Talents Chinese Post-Docs traveling back and forth to Harvard University to do dangerous, gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

I filmed a segment in front of the site of the Boston Massacre, asking if the media would cast Dr. Lieber as a patsy to protect the Harvard and MIT Chair machinations of Dr. Michael Callahan in Wuhan doing Gain of Function at the Chinese Academy of Science in Wuhan.

I am now wondering if Project Veritas is working on a “Boston Consulting Massacre” of its own, leaving out the key players at Boston Consulting leading to the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab himself.

Source: Project Veritas Papers Lead Directly To World Economic Forum | Principia Scientific Intl.

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