Printing Companies that Supplied Ballots in the 2020 Election May Be As Guilty as Voting Machine Companies

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The printing companies who supplied ballots for the 2020 Election may be as guilty as the voting machine companies when considering potential fraudulent acts in the election. x–As noted yesterday, the printing companies who print ballots for US elections may be culpable in the 2020 Election fraud as much as the firms they supplied ballots to.


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Ballot printers must be certified by voting machine companies in order to print ballots for elections.

Ballot printing is very expensive and specialized electronic voting machines, like Dominion’s, require specially-made ballots.  This requires very expensive print machines, some only available as special orders from Germany. The paper ballots, which are tailor-made to fit these exact Dominion voting machine parameters, can only be ordered through specific, approved print shops. You cannot just go to the corner print shop in town and order a batch!

These print shops, few in number in the United States, must be certified by Dominion Voting Systems when used in areas with Dominion voting machines.  In at least in one of these rare, specialized print shops, the Fort Orange Press in Albany, New York, the print shop must also have explicit state permission. Fort Orange Press’ website states that permission is granted to it under “New York State Election Law and New York State Board of Elections (Regulation 6210).”

Read full story here: EXCLUSIVE: The Printing Companies that Supplied Ballots in the 2020 Election May Be As Guilty as Voting Machine Companies in Potentially Altering the 2020 Election Results

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