Predictive programing – Vexille movie from 2007

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This stuff has been being planned for years. This video is from 2007. That’s 13 to 14 years ago. And they are steadily carrying out their plan. No one in America will have freedom as long as this agenda program runs in America.

MK Ultra for instance, check it out.  This will be used to totally control all Americans. 5G will be the final nail.

The Hammer program is being exposed. This was used on Trump.

Track and Trace is a warm and fuzzy way of making you feel safe and protected while it’s gonna be used against you later if you don’t capitulate to the MAN!

And now of course they will push forced, experimental use authority only, vaccines along with vaccine passports. And you will have to take these vaccines every 6 months to a year. Of course they’re not exactly saying that right now, but you can bet, it’s coming.

Wake you people!!!!

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