Population Control Policy

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First – this recent Freudian slip from Kamala (the name means total clusterf-k in Finnish, by the way, as my husband informed me).


I think she meant to say “pollution”. Maybe, maybe not. The globo-cabal thinks population and pollution are the same thing.

Executive Summary:

  • Population control by any means necessary has been the international government policy since at least the 1970’s, but likely much longer than that.
  • US military and intelligence working on behalf of the globalist “elites” has enforced this policy internationally via campaigns of government bribery, blackmail, threats, violence, regime changes, famines and many other methods.
  • US Government has implemented the population control policy more covertly domestically by constructing the “public health” and “biodefense” industry, under false pretext of communicable disease control and prevention of bio-chemical attacks from foreign adversaries. These are utilized for systematic poisoning of the population (slow in the past, much more aggressive with covid injections).
  • We are living through global democide and an attempt at establishing a global totalitarian regime which requires a much smaller, utterly terrorized, menticided and impoverished population.

As a background into “overpopulation” theory – an often cited Calhoun mouse utopia study offers a very interesting insight into how the self-appointed “elites” view the world. Their mistake is – humans are not mice and the Earth is not a box. The arrogance of elites have always prevented them from seeing this clearly. Another option is that at least some of them do see this clearly and aim at installing the idea that the Earth is box in order to drive the Calhoun effect on the human population.

It is important to realize that “your” government is not “yours”, and they in fact prefer to think that you are “theirs” – as property or chattel. Have you considered why vaccinations in general are promoted for so-called herd immunity? Why call humans a herd, when the proper term is society or community? There are no sovereign governments in the world today, at least none that I know of. They are all controlled through debt, blackmail and violence in order to drive the policies of the private mafia that fancies themselves as “the owners” of the world.


The population control policy, discussed in this post happens to be key to this. As I stated before, WEF, Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, etc. operate through international supra-governmental bodies such as the UN, EU, WHO, IMF, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), etc. on behalf of the private interests of the international crime families. They do not have allegiance to any nation and have captured all governments. The world’s most significant militaries (state and mercenary) work for them.


That answers another question – “why would DOD hurt their own soldiers”? That’s because part of the issue the criminal cartel needs to solve is getting rid of the national army/defense structures, that even when corrupt, are still subject to some national laws. The idea of a military serving its country and Constitution must go, and must be replaced with a stateless mercenary force that will commit any atrocity it is directed to by the masters.

Let’s go back to the 70’s and examine an important policy document. Just as “The Limits to Growth” this document is one of the cornerstones of the situation we have arrived at 50 years after it was put in place:

The National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) Report pdf

NSSM 200, also dubbed ‘The Kissinger Report’, is a piece of historical intrigue that could give any best-selling thriller a run for its money. It’s December 10, 1974. Picture the smoke-filled rooms, the dim lighting, and the unmistakable hum of whispered politics in the corridors of power.

This report played a significant role in shaping the US policy. In particular, the memorandum emphasized strengthening the programs of the USIA (United States Information Agency) as well as foreign aid from the United States to set the narrative on population matters, essentially giving it a front-row seat to what the elites and the national security apparatus were focused on achieving.  It also lays the foundation from which to understand the current genocidal vaccination campaigns, ‘climate change’ hysteria and concerted efforts of government-private cartels targeting pregnant women, children and the elderly for extermination.

This document was initially classified. It was not until December 31, 1980, that this document saw the light of day, automatically downgraded at two-year intervals. Its declassification was under the provisions of E.O. 12356, as released on 7/3/89 by the National Security Council.

The document contains very little analytical evidence of causal relationship between population trends and economic development being claimed therein – only high level summary data and a lot of assertions. It’s almost like it was written to justify the eugenics measures with “expert” pronouncements to give an excuse to the apparatus of moral cowards who would mindlessly execute these programs “for the greater good of the humanity”.

The Panicking Elites in the 1970s

NSSM 200 reveals an ambitious desire to control global population growth, a narrative that is as pertinent today as it was in the 1970s. The memo starts by outlining a stark “Calhoun mouse utopia” choice for the world: a track toward a burgeoning population of 12 to 15 billion, implying a staggering five to seven-fold increase in almost all underdeveloped regions, or a course toward population stability, hinting at an ultimate total of 8 to 9 billion. The world’s population is currently believed to be just over 8 billion predicted to peak at around 9 billion and then decline. There are reasons to believe many countries are lying about their population numbers:


But let’s assume for now this statistic is more or less correct.

This policy dictates that 3rd world nations (Less Developed Countries, LDCs) take positive and effective steps to decrease their populations and hold them in check or they get no aid from the United States. If the Third World nations refuse, civil war usually breaks out and the rebels are usually found to be trained, armed, and financed by the Central Intelligence Agency and its numerous contractors. That is why many more civilians (especially young fertile females) than soldiers have been killed in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other places.

NSSM 200 refers to the UN’s “World Population Plan of Action”. The US policy writers agreed that it contained all the necessary provisions for effective population growth control programs at national and international levels. US then adopted, as policy (international and domestic, albeit the latter was not specifically acknowledged) the following population control targets:

  • For developed countries – replacement levels of fertility by 1985; stationary populations as soon as practicable.
  • For developing countries – replacement levels in two or three decades.
  • For the world – a 1.7% population growth rate by 1985 with 2% average for the developing countries and 0.7% average for developed countries; replacement level of fertility for all countries by 2000.

Why was it so incredibly important to obligate each government in the world to control their population? Is it government’s business to tell the people how many children they must have? Whether it is more or fewer children is a less important issue than the government crawling into the citizens’ bedrooms in the first place.

The report incorrectly predicts challenges in feeding over 8 billion people, let alone 12-15 billion. It is nearly impossible to make such long ranging predictions in any topic, especially with a “study” that is mainly full of unsubstantiated but plausibly-sounding assertions and warnings of doom. It also highlights concerns about possible climatic changes and their impact on food production, particularly in less developed countries. NSSM 200 suggests that the many regions of the world would be in Malthusian conditions – a grim future where population growth outpaces the ability to provide adequate resources.  Interestingly, in the 1970s the claim was that the planet was rapidly cooling due to human activity and would freeze over causing crops to fail.  Of course, all those predictions turned out to be entirely incorrect, and now the elites are claiming the exact opposite. The world became greener and much more of the land surface became conducive to agriculture.

This desire for population control in the report was not limited to a philosophical debate. NSSM 200 proposed concrete strategies, such as approaches by the President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking officials, to elevate the importance of population control in the eyes of Congress and the public in order to drive concrete action. It further emphasized the need for the US to make a significant commitment to limit global population growth including considering its own domestic population control agenda.

Fast forward to the present day – it is clear that the hysteria of “sustainability” is the evolution of the population control policies set out in 1970’s.  Perhaps, the elites actually believe these visions of doom if the plebs are left alone to manage their families.  Whether they do or don’t believe their own hype is almost irrelevant – they act on it, and we must understand their strategies in order to mount an effective resistance.

Methods to Control the Population

The “Less Developed Countries (LDC)” were supposed to be forced to comply with population decrease targets or else a regime change will be unleashed by the CIA, or some other unspecified calamity. The control numbers were that important! The report doesn’t sugarcoat it; voluntary measures might just be too little, too late. So, they’re suggesting to play hardball. Linking aid or food supply to population control efforts could be one of the strategies on the table.  Table 1 shows the main sections focused around the first set of highly coercive policies.

First, the foreign governments would be bribed with “aid”. Specifically, the US government would set targets and if these were not met the countries would not be eligible for international aid as outlined in Table 2.

Table 2

And then there’s the topic of consumption. The line of argumentation in the report is “We all know the world’s resources aren’t infinite, and yet we live like there’s no tomorrow”.  Yet, interestingly all the hysteria was focused on food resources, but for mineral/fuel resources the estimates and conclusions were that those were not constrained and sufficient reserves were available.

It was all about feeding the planet’s growing population. Could this mean regulatory measures to limit resource use? Possibly. It’s a roundabout way of controlling population growth – make it unsustainable to live, and people might just think twice about adding to their brood.

There are entire sections on improved medical research technologies to reduce population:

Another favorite among the elites, seems to be sterilization:

Of course, if sterilization (voluntary or forced) is not feasible, then we can pay women to abort their babies, or pay doctors a bonus per aborted baby, or both:

But why stop at the national level? The report hints at the possibility of bringing international institutions into the fold. Imagine the United Nations playing an active role in population control, brokering global agreements, setting population targets, even enforcing international regulations on resource use.  Excerpt below suggests using the World Bank to pressure countries to comply.  While the language may seem innocuous, in essence it means that countries will not receive World Bank support unless they fall in line.

Finally, this paragraph shows that there is an important aspect information control as is indicated that indoctrination is a critical aspect of this program.

In a nutshell, the NSSM 200 report is a stark reminder of the desire of the elites to muck around in the business of controlling all of humanity.  Seems like a bit of a God complex.

An “Alternative” View:

Even back when NSSM200 was written, they mentioned a competing faction of even more totalitarian totalitarians within their ranks:

Seems like that’s the crowd that subscribed to the Georgia Guidestones target numbers for humanity (under 500 million for the planet total) and viewed China as a “model society”, where control over the population was established by ANY means necessary.

It seems that since the 70’s that “alternative” view gained momentum.

What does the implementation look like in reality?

Another aspect of this is the practicalities of the implementation of the “Kissinger Policy” worldwide and domestically. The below quotes are all predating the current covid democide campaign, and will give you an idea of the methods that have been widely used to drive the population control policy worldwide.

The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy has taken over various levels of government and is in fact determining U.S. foreign policy. The planning organization operates outside the White House and directs its entire efforts to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease, and any other means necessary. This group is the National Security Council’s Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. The policy planning staff is in the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs, established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger. This same group drafted the Global 2000 Report to the President that was given to Carter.

Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs (OPA) made the following statements: “There is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population levels. Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….The professionals,” stated Ferguson, “aren’t interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons. That sounds nice. We look at resources and environmental constraints. We look at our strategic needs, and we say that this country must lower its population, or else we will have trouble. So steps are taken.

El Salvador is an example where our failure to lower population by simple means has created the basis for a national security crisis. The government of El Salvador failed to use our programs to lower their population. Now they get a civil war because of it. There will be dislocation and food shortages. They still have too many people there. Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population. The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa or through DISEASE, like the Black Death, all of which MIGHT OCCUR in El Salvador.” His budget for FY 1980 was $190 million; for FY 1981 it was
$220 million. The Global 2000 Report calls for doubling that figure. Henry Kissinger created this group after discussion with leaders of the Club of Rome during the 1974 population conferences in Bucharest and Rome. The Club of Rome is controlled by Europe’s Black Nobility. Alexander Haig is a firm believer in population control. It was Haig that backed Kissinger and pushed the OPA into action.

Ferguson said, “We will go into a country and say, here is your goddamn development plan. Throw it out the window. Start looking at the size of your population and figure out what must be done to reduce it. If you don’t like that, if you don’t want to choose to do it through planning, then you’ll have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia.” The real reason the Shah of Iran was overthrown was that his best efforts to institute “clean programs” of birth control failed to make a significant dent in the country’s birth rate. The promise of jobs, through an ambitious industrialization program, encouraged migration toward over- crowded cities like Teheran. Under Ayatollah Khomeini, the clean programs have been dismantled. The government may make progress because it has a program “to induce up to half of Teheran’s 6 million residents to relocate. Iran’s war with Iraq really pleased the OPA.” Now you know about the Shah and now you know part of the reason we have troops in the Middle East. Marcos fell victim to the same policy.

Thousands of people, mostly civilians, are killed in El Salvador’s civil war each year. “To accomplish what the State Department deems adequate ‘population control,’ the civil war would have to be greatly expanded,” according to Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the OPA.

El Salvador was targeted for population control and war in an April 1980 population report published by the National Security Council. “El Salvador is an example of a country with serious population and political problems,” the report states. “Rapid population growth — the birth rate has remained unchanged in recent years — aggravates its population density, which is already the highest on mainland Latin America. While a population program exists on paper, it has not been pursued with a strong commitment, and contraceptives remain unavailable.” The population program “really did not work,” OPA’s Ferguson said. ‘The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too many goddamn people. If you want to control a country, you have to keep the population down. Too many people breed social unrest and communism.” “Something had to be done,” the OPA official said. The birth rate is 3.3 percent — one of the highest in the world. Its population, he complained, will double in 21 years. “The civil war can help things, but it would have to be greatly expanded.”

You get the idea.

All this is to say, the “elites” are really-really serious about killing people and reducing the global population. No crime is to vile for them – they will stop at nothing, and they never have.

In conclusion, it is important to realize that there is no scientific or humanitarian basis in “public health policies” as they exists today in the United States and globally. That machinery exists to drive the population control policy. There is no scientific or humanitarian basis mandating vaccinations with now close to 100 different poisons. Vaccines do not create health. Yet, this is squarely among the UN’s “sustainable goals”.

The public health system must be dismantled, because it is a camouflaged warfare program actively engaged in controlling and killing civilians under emergency pretexts and lies.

There are no genuine, self-sustaining, global pandemic and epidemic threats. There are only localized, self-limiting CBRN attacks conducted (in the US) by the DoD-HHS-DHS-NSC-DOJ-et al, and conducted by DoD and other national militaries in other countries, under the direction of the World Health Organization and the BIS to reinforce the illusion of pandemics, to drive the camouflaged warfare programs forward, to control and kill more civilians.

The true national security of the US should be construed as the security of American people against CBRN and informational attacks by an illegitimate treasonous government/military, and requires 1) the dismantling of the public health-martial law state and 2) establishment of a legitimate government that’s not covertly controlling and killing its own people.


Source: Population Control Policy – by Sasha Latypova

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