Pope Francis Calls for “Global Governance” and Vaccines for All

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Sorry Catholics, but your so called leader is being used by the global elites to bring the world in to compliance with their evil great reset plans. They are using him like a puppet! Wake up!


Pope Francis has officially called for “global governance” and held up the goal of “universal vaccines” in an April 4 letter—a letter in which God is mentioned only once, but vaccines mentioned three times.

The letter was sent to the Spring 2021 virtual meeting (April 5-11) between the globalist World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and delivered through Peter Cardinal Turkson, Prefect of the Holy See’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

In the letter, the Pope says the Covid-19 pandemic forced the world to “confront a series of grave and interrelated socio-economic, ecological, and political crises.” Francis brought up one of his favorite topics, climate change, claiming, “We are, in fact, in debt to nature itself, as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological degradation and biodiversity loss.”

Francis’s language sounds similar to that of the globalist founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, who designed the anti-Catholic “Great Reset,” a plan heavily dependent on a “green financial agenda.” Francis has sent addresses to WEF already four times during his eight years as pope and has permitted a Vatican roundtable at WEF’s annual Swiss conference site, Davos.

Pope Francis also refers to the secular fraternity outlined in his recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti, and calls for “a justly financed vaccine solidarity,” which, according to him, is necessary to fulfill “the law of love and the health of all.”

“Here,” he continues, “I reiterate my call to government leaders, businesses and international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy.”

Pope Francis recently called for a “new world order” and, according to the letter, this world order should be globalist, as he says, “There remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the integral human development of all peoples.”

Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church are not mentioned at all in the letter, while God is mentioned only once—in the letter’s last line.


Article Source: Pope Francis Calls for “Global Governance” and Vaccines for All. – The National Pulse

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