Police arrest black man after 5 hour standoff for painting swastikas, anti-gay slurs on a rainbow crosswalk multiple times

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Atlanta, GA: An Atlanta man was arrested after a five-hour standoff with SWAT police for allegedly painting swastika symbols and anti-gay slurs on a rainbow crosswalk in Atlanta’s midtown section last week.

According to a Fox News press release:

“Police identified Jonah Sampson, 30, as the man who allegedly spray-painted swastikas on Atlanta’s Midtown rainbow crosswalks. Authorities believe he is also responsible for graffiti that was found on a monument at the Federal Reserve Building, Fox 5 reported.”

Last week Atlanta authorities were notified of a swastika- like symbol spray painted on a rainbow painted section of road located at 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue in Midtown section of Atlanta.

anti gay graffiti atlanta
Photo courtesy of the Atlanta PD.

No suspects were identified after the first graffiti incident. The interim Police Chief Darin Schierbaum stated after the first incident last week:

“This is an unacceptable act in this city, anywhere in this city or in any form where citizens are targeted by hate. This department is aggressively looking now for the individual who did this.”

The Atlanta Department of Transportation later arrived at the scene of the graffiti and painted over it. Several days later another swastika was respray-painted on the rainbow crosswalk, along with an anti-gay slur.

The Fox News column said:

“A spokesman for Mayor Andre Dickens’ office had called the vandalism ‘disgusting’ and thanked city workers ‘for erasing the hate that has no place in our city in such a swift and efficient manner,’ the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last week.”

The rainbows were originally painted as a sign of support following the gruesome mass shooting of the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 people and injured 50.

The mass shooting was considered a hate crime that targeted the LGBTQ community. The gay pride rainbow painting remained as a permanent fixture to the crosswalk.

After the second report of the swastika spray painting, Atlanta police investigators observed on a local security cam footage what appeared to be Sampson spray painting a swastika on the rainbow crosswalk.

The swastika symbol, which originally represented prosperity and good fortune, was the focal symbol of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party during World War Two in which over 6 million innocent people; Jewish, minorities, homosexuals, etc. were executed.

The symbol now carries a message of hatred, bigotry, racism and even violence. The swastika stirs a lot of emotions from those who view it. Displaying the swastika symbol outside of an educational purpose is outlawed in many countries.

The Standoff

After Atlanta investigators identified Sampson, they reported to his apartment in the early afternoon last Friday. Sampson would not answer so a SWAT team was assembled and sent to the apartment.

The deployment of the SWAT team forced several neighboring roads to be shut down pending the conclusion of the arrest.

At approximately 5 pm, Sampson advised police that he was leaving the apartment. He was then taken into custody without incident and later charged with several counts.

Sampson booking
Sampson is booked after being arrested.(Fulton County Sheriff’s Office)

According to Fox News:

“Jail records show Sampson is facing three charges of second degree criminal damage to property, one count of criminal trespass and a felony charge of interference with government property.”

According to the Fulton County Sheriff’s office, the bond was set to $77,500 for all the charges. He remains in police custody pending future hearings.

A motive for the graffiti was not determined. However, it is apparent that Sampson was determined after he returned to the scene to paint a second swastika after the first one was cleaned up. That could prove pivotal in the case against him for showing additional intent.

Sampson, a black male, allegedly spray painted a swastika, which is mostly associated with racism, which was directed towards the LGBTQ community adds to one thing- spreading hatred within the community and continue dividing America.

At least he’ll have time to think about that poor logic.

Police arrest black man after 5 hour standoff for painting swastikas, anti-gay slurs on a rainbow crosswalk multiple times

Leaving hate graffiti signs leads to this.

Anti-semitic attacks, slurs and graffiti lead police-defunded NYC’s explosion of crimes motivated by hate

Posted March 20, 2022

NEW YORK, NY – Hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers has led an overall increase in bias crimes, according to crime statistics released by the New York City Police Department.

As COVID-19 restrictions across the city are being lifted, the number of reported hate crimes is also increasing, with nearly three times the number of incidents being reported as last year.

Police arrest black man after 5 hour standoff for painting swastikas, anti-gay slurs on a rainbow crosswalk multiple times

According to the NYPD, 107 hate crimes were reported in February 2022, compared with 37 hate crimes in February 2021. That’s a 187% increase in the number reported, according to the report.

The data released by the NYPD shows hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers rose 409%, with 56 incidents reported this February, up from 11 reported the same month in 2021.

Crimes against Asians rose 125%, while bias crimes against blacks rose 100%.

Sexually oriented hate crimes rose from 6 reported crimes to 9 reported, for a 50% increase.

Last week, a rally against anti-Asian violence was held in Times Square, attended by a crowd of about 300 people calling for the city to do more to protect Asian women, in particular, from the rising rate of bias crime. New York City is leading the nation in anti-Asian hate crimes, with more than any other city in America in 2021, according to the New York Post.

Antisemitism and hate crimes against New York City’s large Jewish population are on the rise. The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating multiple incidents of anti-Jewish graffiti in Brooklyn, where there is a large population of Orthodox Jewish families.


Many of these incidents targeted Orthodox people dressed in distinctive clothing, including a man who was punched Feb. 7 in Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn. A 15-year-old male was charged with assault and committing a hate crime for the attack.

Other hate crimes targeting Jews include incidents in which swastikas were drawn on a yeshiva school bus in Brooklyn and a dentist’s office in Queens and expletives spray painted on the dining shed of an Israeli restaurant in Manhattan.

The Anti-Defamation League is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible for spray painting antisemitic graffiti on several cars on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in February.

According to the NYPD, an individual was seen on video beginning about 4:30 a.m. on February 16 spray painting multiple privately owned cars parked near 69th Street and 5th Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. That individual is also suspected to have committed other acts of vandalism over the past several weeks. Scott Richman, ADL New York-New Jersey regional director, said:

“We are appalled by these acts of hate and urge anyone with information about the incidents or the individual to come forward. Incidents like these have a profound impact not just on individuals who are targeted, but on the community at large. In issuing this reward, we are sending the message that hateful vandalism should not be normalized or tolerated in our city or anywhere else.”  

Richman added:

“We have seen an outrageous rise of attacks on visibly identifiable Jews in recent weeks.”

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg called the anti-Asian hate “intolerable.” He said:

“Our brothers and sisters have been spit upon, coughed at, told to go back home. In my office, we are deepening our capacity.”

However, if history is any indication, many of those arrested for hate crimes will see the charges dropped, according to a recent report by The City. It noted that out of 569 hate crime arrests in New York between 2015 and 2020, only 15% resulted in a conviction. The rates of conviction ranged from a high in Manhattan of 23% to only 1% in the Bronx.

During a press conference in February, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams acknowledged issues surrounding NYC hate crimes. He said:

“I believe throughout the years we have been extremely reluctant in identifying the potentiality of a hate crime.” 

Adams spoke out after two antisemitic attacks in Flatbush in February:

“Make no mistake, an attack on our Jewish community is an attack on every New Yorker.”

Anyone with information about the incidents is encouraged to call the NYPD Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.  

Police arrest black man after 5 hour standoff for painting swastikas, anti-gay slurs on a rainbow crosswalk multiple times

Hate and racism is unfortunately too common.

Triggering ticking time bombs: Let’s have a real conversation about racism, mass murder – and how cops are being targeted

Posted May 26, 2022

Less than two weeks before the May 14, 2022, nationwide breaking news that nine black and one white New Yorkers were murdered in a targeted racial attack, one of America’s law enforcement officers (LEOs) died in relative obscurity though he too was the victim of a targeted attack borne out of racism.

On May 5, 2022, after nearly six years of suffering through brain damage and paralysis from his wounds sustained during an ambush, East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, Sgt. Nicholas Tullier died.

Sgt. Tullier’s death makes him the fourth LEO murdered that day, joining Baton Rouge Police Department Police Officer Matthew Gerald, Corporal Montrell Jackson, and fellow East Baton Rouge Deputy Sheriff Bradford Garafola. There are three critical similarities between the unprovoked targeted murder of these LEOs and that of the ten innocents in Buffalo.

Buffalo shooter, Payton Gendron was mentally ill, he identified with racist ideology online, and his violent actions were driven by current events and the news reporting of them. A year earlier, Gendron was involuntarily committed to a mental health facility after he shared his desire to commit a murder/suicide in his high school project submission.

A review of Gendron’s online history shows he “repeatedly visited websites promoting white supremacist ideologies.” The 180-page manifesto Gendron left behind documented his desire to eradicate black people to combat against the eradication of whites forecast by both ‘The Great Replacement Theory’ and numerous media.

When Gendron was conducting reconnaissance at the Buffalo store the day prior, a customer he spoke with for over an hour reported Gendron spoke about critical race theory.

Along with numerous racist epithets, written on one of the rifles Gendron brought to the attack was the name of Virginia Sorenson, one of six white people murdered by black supremacist Darrell Brooks Jr. at the November 2021 Waukesha Christmas Parade.

Baton Rouge cop-killer Gavin Long was also mentally ill, identified with racist ideology online, and his violent actions were driven by current events and the news reporting of them. A US Marine Corps combat veteran of the war in Iraq, Long suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and was on prescribed anxiety medications.

Long was associated with the Nation of Islam, he claimed allegiance to a black sovereign citizenry group, and he “advocated violence against white “oppressors,” including police who killed black men.” The manifesto and suicide note Long left behind detailed his motive to “create substantial change within America’s police force, and judicial system.”

A search of Long’s computer and social media postings reveal he was angered by the news of recent police shootings of black men, particularly that of Alton Sterling. Given the media and Democrat politicians portrayal of the Sterling shooting as racially motivated and unjustified, Long’s anger was not unique.

However, while most were content to protest, Long was pushed over the edge and personally avenged Sterling’s death by ambushing the LEOs in Baton Rouge, ultimately murdering four and wounding two.

The mass shooting of the Baton Rouge officers was not the first such attack spurred by the liberal press and political elites biased portrayal of deadly force incidents involving black subjects. On December 20, 2014, angered over the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner’s death in NYC, Ismaaiyl Brinsley traveled to NY and murdered NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu as they sat in their marked patrol car.

Brinsley’s posts citing his vengeful motive were, “ They Take 1 Of Ours, Let’s Take 2 of Theirs“ and “I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today.”

Ten days before the Baton Rouge shooting, an even deadlier targeted shooting of LEOs occurred in Dallas.

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson, another military combat veteran suffering from mental illness and enraged over the depiction of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling’s deaths at the hand of law enforcement during the previous two days, murdered five Dallas Police Officers during an ambush. Johnson’s explanation for his actions to those negotiating for him to surrender was he “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.“

And that he did, the five white officers murdered that day were Dallas Police Officers Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa, Senior Corporal Lorne Ahren, Sgt. Michael Smith, and DART Police Officer Brent Thompson. More recently and much less known was the targeted murder of Biloxi Police Officer Robert McKeithen.

On May 5, 2019, while PO McKeithen was taking a domestic incident report from a couple outside the precinct, 19-year-old Darian Atkinson walked up behind the officer and shot him six times.

Described by his family as mentally ill, Atkinson told his psychiatrist that he killed PO McKeithen because “black people have been oppressed and he had the right to bear arms and act.”

Since the May 25, 2020, George Floyd incident, who knows how many of the felonious murders of officers or tens of thousands of assaults upon them were in some way motivated by the daily vitriol directed at them by the liberal press and politicians. How many of those attackers were already mentally unstable or psychotic criminals who seized upon the hatred against police and directed their rage against them?

The biased press doesn’t seem nearly as interested in investigating those stories as they do for incidents like Buffalo where they can report on white supremacy as being our nation’s greatest threat. While even one such racist is too many, an analysis of the prosecutions of white supremacists by the federal government and all 50 states from 2019-2020 turned up “just 18 cases and 106 people.”

With an estimated 14.2 million of Americans having experienced a serious mental illness in 2020, such ticking time bombs far outnumber card hardcore white supremacists.

However, if the liberal press and pandering politicians keep trying to incite a race war with the same fervor they pushed to defund the police, Americans of all races will suffer the same disastrous results.

Sadly, it looks like that is exactly what these elitists safely ensconced behind their gated estates and doorman buildings want.

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