Pic/Vid: Christian college has nonstop prayer for 8 days and counting

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Students have begun a 24/7 non-stop prayer service at a Christian college in Kentucky with fellow students driving in from different states.

The service at Asbury University in Hughes Auditorium was supposed to be over on the morning of February 8th, Christianity Today reported. However, the students were so inspired by the ending benediction and song from the gospel choir that they decided to stay and keep praying.

Asbury theology professor Thomas H. McCall stated, “They were praising and praying earnestly for themselves and their neighbors and our world—expressing repentance and contrition for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice.”

“There is no pressure or hype. There is no manipulation. There is no high-pitched emotional fervor. To the contrary, it has so far been mostly calm and serene,” he added. “I know that God moves in mysterious ways; Jesus tells us that the Spirit blows where it wills.”

Students reportedly traveled all the way from Purdue University, Ohio Christian University, the University of Kentucky, the University of the Cumberlands, Lee University, Georgetown College, and many more.

By Valentines Day, the crowd size had increased to a reported 3,000 worshippers. The crowd also moved from just the college chapel to include four other facilities at the college.

It was said by University President Dr. Kevin Brown that at least a reported two-thirds of students were from out of state.

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“It has absolutely been social media that is the mechanism that people found out about this,” said Mark Whitworth, Asbury University’s vice president of communications.

Revival-type events at Asbury have occurred before, once in 1970 and again in 2006. In 2006, four days of consecutive worship took place.

The current prayer event has inspired other schools around the nation, with Lee University in Tennessee holding a similar event this month, according to The Daily Wire.

Source: Pic/Vid: Christian college has nonstop prayer for 8 days and counting

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