Pharmaceutical Lies in the Media This Week

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Hello everyone, welcome. It’s Monday. I hope you had a great weekend.

I am Dr. Bryan Ardis, and today I’m going to actually discuss with the audiences what pharmaceutical lies are being published in the mainstream media just this last week! And the lies are many and fast coming!

In order to help keep the world seen in our audience, it’s important that we follow what their narratives are, discern those, educate the audiences, and give them the appropriate warnings.

In this episode, you’ll learn about a drug that the FDA reports has horrific adverse, severe reactions to hundreds of thousands worldwide. On the same media outlet’s webpage, they publish that the same drug pharmaceutical manufacturers are having a tough time keeping up with the demand for the drug, reporting severe digestive problems for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The first question I would answer is why, if this drug is creating such horrific health outcomes, the FDA allows the drugs to be approved for manufacturers to continue to make. We’ll answer that question today, and you’ll want to know what the drugs are by name so you can warn your loved ones!

Also, pediatricians and parents they report worldwide are up in arms about the inability to get a new vaccine for newborns, and it’s not for COVID-19. It’s actually for a non-deadly scenario called RSV.

I will teach you why you don’t need this drug for RSV and what it is every breast-feeding mother and grandparent needs to educate the parents of the newborn. I’ve had to keep that newborn safe from developing a respiratory virus in the first place.

Also, in the media this week, cancer centers around the world are having a supply chain issue for chemotherapy, claiming that patients worldwide are suffering from the life-saving effects of chemotherapy. And I’m going to take some time to educate the audience about what 90% of all cancers are actually caused by and the test you need to do to avoid the deadly toxic effects of chemotherapy in the future.

Also, did you know that America’s largest healthcare system, Kaiser Permanente, almost 50% of its staff, Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are all going on strike this week? What does that mean for hospitals around America who supposedly are short-staffed now anyway? I find it interesting in this article that they blame the issues in healthcare on staff shortages since COVID-19. I don’t know if you all remember, but the reason for the shortages was not because of Covid. It was because of hospital administrators and our government’s mandates on hospitals and healthcare institutions in America during the pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of nurses and doctors walked off as their right to do so when they were being forced to take an experimental shot.

These are just some of the lies you’re being told this week in the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical giants.


Source: Pharmaceutical Lies in the Media This Week – America Out Loud News

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