Pentagon whistleblower says release of evidence proving lab origins of COVID-19 imminent

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An intentional whistleblower leak from the Pentagon threatens to blow the lid on the lab origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which could explain why Tony Fauci and his minions seem to be running for the hills.

Attorney Thomas Renz spoke with Alex Jones about how whistleblower Andrew Huff has pulled the pin on the plandemic hand grenade. And when it blows, it will expose the ugly truth about what Fauci et al. did to the world. (Related: Renz is committed to prosecuting every last plandemic criminal who terrorized the world.)

The plan is to release Huff’s documents to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and others who recognize that Fauci is a criminal, and that the Fauci Flu was planned from the very beginning as opposed to being a freak accident.

“This is the issue,” Renz told Jones. “This is what was behind the election. They could never have stolen 2020 without COVID. And they could never have done half of what they’ve done without COVID.”

“If you look at the destruction of our economy, the amount of money that’s been printed and transferred,” it all fulfills their plans, Renz added. Be sure to watch the full interview at Infowars.

Renz wants another round of Nuremberg trials to punish plandemic criminals

Huff’s revelations so far are just the tip of the iceberg as far as the criminality at play. We know for a fact that the so-called “vaccines” are anything but, and that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accelerated their authorization and approval without evidence.

We also know that both Democrats and Republicans, with few exceptions, have been full on board with the plandemic agenda and all have blood on their hands for unleashing hell against America and the world.

Renz is part of a battalion, so to speak, that aims to deliver justice to these rats, which are now trying to flee the sinking ship before the hammer drops. Will they be successful?

“We see now that this entire narrative is crumbling,” Renz explained about the plandemic. “We’ve got a firsthand witness to them creating this in a lab in Wuhan. We know that Fauci funded it. We know it’s gain of function – they’re running.”

“The only question is: how much longer before we’re ready for the Nuremberg trials?”

Renz said he has definitive proof that the illegal gain-of-function research was taking place under the direction of Fauci, and that it was probably used to create the Chinese Virus.

Over the next few weeks, that proof will be released through the appropriate channels to get the ball rolling in seeing Fauci put “under Gitmo,” as Renz worded it to Jones.

“We now know they created this in the lab using funding from Fauci, and the result was the biggest pandemic disaster in human history,” Renz added.

“And then they decided to cover up and lie about the ‘cure,’ which is worse than the disease – we have real snake oil problem here.”

It is especially interesting that once Renz leaked information about Huff having evidence of plandemic crimes, all the rats involved, including Fauci, suddenly started changing their tune about the lab leak theory of COVID’s origins.

Since that time, Fauci announced his leaving the government – though he says he still plans to work in his current field in the private sector. Others are doing the same, which strongly suggests that they know what is coming.

“They know what Huff has,” Renz said. “They know the documents he has. They know where he worked and what he knows. I think they’re terrified of this.”

The latest news about the plandemic can be found at

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Article Source: Pentagon whistleblower says release of evidence proving lab origins of COVID-19 imminent –

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