Pentagon advisor wants to create mind control neuro-weapons – This should terrify us all

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That our friends in the permanent bureaucracy of government are willing to wage an information war upon us would be news – if it weren’t for the fact that their agents set the news agenda. The vast psychological operation that was the response to COVID has in the Ukraine war a fitting sequel. These are two events which, over time, seem less and less accidental.

They have both prompted an attempt to shape the feelings, beliefs and behaviors of entire populations, to the point where these populations consider choices harmful to their own health and survival not only as wise but also as virtuous. 

People have been persuaded to make choices against their own survival instinct to gain a few “likes.” This is the role of the media in the formerly Free World. It is penetrated and directed by CIA agents and their national security state bedfellows, as has been patiently documented by Matt Taibbi’s coverage of the Twitter Files. This fact is also not newsworthy. 

It is not worth reporting that the agents of a faction dedicated to total control of the hearts and minds of the populations of the world decide what you get to think. 

It is not news that the machinery of consent manufacture has been delivered into their hands owing to a pandemic that looks suspicious from practically any angle. Nor is it news that the same people decide for you that provoking an all-out nuclear war is our democratic duty. 

The United States was not founded as a “democracy” but as a republic. It is for good reason this fact is not news, and it is the same reason that the other facts are unworthy of notice. It is because this is the government the Founding Fathers warned you about. 

No one capable of noticing reality needs reminding of the reasons for this charge. Yet there are far more compelling ones than the apocalyptic shopping list of well-known global goals. To the project of fear and the fantasies of a worldwide surveillance state, we must now add the sick dream of mind control. 

I am sorry to admit that I laughed at pictures of people in tin foil hats. Of all the conspiracies that have come true, I thought that this would be the one we could still dismiss with a sensible chuckle.  

Well, I doff my aluminum fedora to these pioneers of the paranoid. It seems no fantasy, no imagined dystopia, has the power to overmatch the diseased designs of the people who would destroy humanity in order to rule the remnants forever.

DARPA’s concerning goal of creating actual mind control technology

Our friends at DARPA have been busy making nightmares into reality for a long time. The story of the permanent destruction of humanity begins with the unlikely name of Dr. William Casebeer 


Dr. Bill, as his fellow diabolist Dr. James Giordano calls him, set up a project called Narrative Networks at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This was an attempt to refine a means of changing people’s beliefs with messages. Media strategies, slogans, symbols and memes as a means of building a network of government friendly narratives to replace the stories people may…

Read full story: Pentagon advisor wants to create mind control neuro-weapons. This should terrify us all – LifeSite

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