Pennsylvania Demands Election Integrity – Expose the Fraud

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These are some of the FACTS, FRAUD about the 2020 Presidential Election in the state of Pennsylvania. Nobody in their right mind would want any of this to stand (unless your a demoncrat of course). Please visit the AuditTheVotePa website and get the facts.

And if you live in Pennsylvania be sure to sign the petition.

Over 120,000 unreconciled votes

15,000 mail-in ballots sent out of state

1,823,148 mail-in ballots were sent out and 2,589,242 were sent back

21,000 confirmed dead voters

Over 300,000 voter registrations removed from the SURE system after November 3

Canvassing effort in Montgomery County found 78,000 phantom votes

Over 10,000 people voted by mail whose ID doesn’t exist in the SURE system

Over 29,000 Duplicate Registrations

7,857 Registrations whose DOB changed in 2020

55,823 voters backfilled into the SURE system

4,458 voters whose registration date changed in 2020

1,059,547 Voters whose only vote on record was the 2020 election


Source: AuditTheVotePa

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