Pennsylvania analysis: ‘No valid reason’ for software Dominion used

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An election assessment in Pennsylvania’s Fulton County found that Dominion Voting Systems inexplicably used software in its 2020 election voting machines that allows anyone with privileges to simply change values in the database.

The election assessment by Wake Technology Services Inc. was completed in February but was not published on the county’s website until May.

The assessment found the existence of the Microsoft SQL database on the Dominion Voting Machines in the county, The Epoch Times reported on June 12.

Wake’s analysts found “no valid reason” for the software to be installed on the system and that the presence “allows any user with access to change and manipulate the EMS databases without logging [recording] to the Database, EMS, or [operating system] logfiles.”

The analysts also said that Dominion failed to fill out a document that attests that the installed software versions conformed with certified reasons, with Dominion apparently claiming filling out the form was “optional.”

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