PCR Test for COVID–19 Identifies Only Human DNA

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By Chris Black

Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and has a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Biotechnology. She found that the COVID-19 test does not actually test for COVID-19. The test itself is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that identifies DNA particles.

She found that the PCR testing protocol developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to detect COVID-19 actually tests for chromosome 8, which is present in all humans. One of the “primer” sequences (the start sequence) in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, which is used by the WHO, is found in any human DNA. In essence, we are the “virus”.

The COVID-19 test is done using reagents to extract an RNA sample. An enzyme called reverse transcriptase converts RNA into a complementary DNA sequence. DNA (called “primer”) is reproduced (amplified) several times so that the sought DNA sequence can be detected. The more replication cycles, the more likely it is that the targeted sequence will be detected.

Sometimes chromosome 8 (aka “COVID-19)” is detected, other times it is not detected by the PCR test. The reason why it is not always detected is that the PCR test sample (“primer”) must be amplified. And if the “primer” is not sufficiently amplified, the DNA sequence will not be identifiable. This is the scam. If amplified sufficiently, what has been identified as the” COVID-19 virus ” (aka chromosome 8) will always be detected. That limit point for amplification cycles determines a positive or negative result.

Now you know why the test gives 80% false-positive results for COVID-19 and why so many people tested positive are described as asymptomatic. They don’t have any COVID-19. They have what everyone has, chromosome 8.

ctccctttgttgtgttgt = DNA sequence for the PCR test of “COVID-19”

ctccctttgttgtgttgt = chromosome 8, present in all humans

How the scam works…


Read the rest of the story here: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-pcr-test-for-covid-19-identifies-only-human-dna/

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