Patented Genocide: Dr. Martin Exposes Fauci As Mercenary of Death and more!

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Why was Fauci patenting coronavirus before the pandemic? Who are the other mercenaries of death who worked to kill Americans for blood money? Why are U.S. soldiers being used as guinea pigs by the communist cabal. Dr. Martin explains all this and more and shows the receipts of pandemic pre-planning, as he blows a hole in the medical mafia propaganda surrounding COVID-19.

Organized Covid Crime: Dr. Martin Shows Receipts of Pandemic Pre-Planning

Revisit Stew’s interview with Dr. David Martin as he blasts the plandemic from the very start with the documents and proof to back him up.

Communist Guinea Pigs: Dr. Martin Explains Big Pharma Serial Killer Plot

Dr. David Martin and Stew discuss the secret plot behind the Covid bioweapon and the communist cabal that runs it.

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