Part 12: The Novel Coronavirus is a Threat to National Security per HHS – Does this Mean America’s Been at War Since February 2020?

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According to Health and Human Services (HHS) declarations made between January and March of 2020, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are EUA authorized medical countermeasures (MCMs) to a novel coronavirus that is a public health emergency and a threat to national security.

Under former Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS),Alex Azar II, the HHS declarations required to issue EUA COVID-19 tests, procedures, drugs, and vaccines, were made on;

  1. January 31, 2020, declaring a public health emergency exists in the United States due to a novel coronavirus.
  2. February 4th, 2020, declaring that the Wuhan novel coronavirus poses a public health risk that is so great, it’s a threat to national security.
  3. March 27, 2020, Secretary Azar declares that the threat requires emergency use (EUA) medical countermeasures (MCMs) to combat the threat, including MCM drugs and biologics (i.e. mRNA vaccines).*Per EUA laws, the February 4, 2020, HHS declaration that the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is a threat to national security has been renewed every 3 months by HHS Secretary Alex Azar under the Trump administration, and HHS SecretaryXavier Becerra under the Biden administration.

January 31, 2020, Secretary Alex Azar declares that there’s a public health emergency in the United States due to the novel coronavirus.



Note: This declaration is based on confirmed cases. How can there be confirmed cases if the SARS-CoV-2 virus had not been isolated yet? Azar calls it theNovel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), it wasn’t even named yet. Also, there were no reliable tests available in January of 2020 for ‘nCoV’….or February of 2020….or March of 2020… or ever for that matter.

The CDC even admitted that the SARS-CoV-2 PCR-tests used throughout 2020 and 2021 had a97% false positive rate.


OnFebruary 4th, 2020, HHS Secretary Azar declares that the novel coronavirus out of Wuhan, China is a public health emergency that is so great it’s a threat to national security.


Per PFIZER’s December 11, 2020, FDA authorization letter of their mRNA vaccines, onMarch 27, 2020, Secretary Azar declared that medical countermeasures (MCMs) including drugs and biologics, could now be developed and deployed in America to combat the ‘Wuhan novel coronavirus’ that allegedly causes COVID-19.


IMPORTANT NOTE! It’s really important to note that the ‘efficacy standard’ for an EUA medical countermeasure is ‘may be effective.’

May be effective’ is not an efficacy standard.‘May be effective’ allows for a grey area where a medical countermeasure, i.e. mRNA vaccines, can cause a disease or condition that results in the injury, disability or death of American adults and children.

Per the 2017EUA Industry Guidelines, EUA products such as the mRNA vaccines can cause a disease or condition that is a threat to public health and national security.


In other words,HHS Secretary Azar could have allowed for the authorization of the mRNA vaccines knowing that the injections cause disease, disabilities, and death, aka COVID-19.

It’s not unreasonable to believe that Secretary Azar knew that the mRNA vaccines would cause COVID-19 because on October 22, 2020, the FDA, CDC, and HHS had evidence that that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause disease, disabilities and death that all meet the criteria for symptoms for COVID-19 disease.


PFIZER even admitted in their EUA/interim Phase-3 data submission to the FDA on November 20, 2020, that they couldn’t tell if it was a virus or PFIZER’s mRNA vaccines that caused severe COVID-19 in 409 patients (within one-week of the first or second PFIZER injection!)

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Secretary Azar likely knew that administration of the mRNA vaccines would create a threat to public health and national security by causing COVID-19.

However, Americans are just beginning to acknowledge that the mRNA vaccines cause disease, disabilities, and death. Florida’s highly-credentialed Surgeon General,Dr. Joseph Ladapo, acknowledges that the incidence of disease of death from the mRNA vaccines has proven to be a public health emergency, specifically for children and young men. And Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, has blown the whistle on how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have severely harmed our military’s active duty men and women.

Now let’s go back toFebruary 4th, 2020, when Secretary Alex Azar determined that the novel Wuhan coronavirus was a ‘threat to national security.’ But what does it mean for a biological (or chemical or radioactive) agent to be a ‘threat to national security’?

According to former President Bill Clinton and hisUS Doctrine on National Security, published in the year 2000, a threat to national security is a threat to the foundation of America ‘as defined by the objectives in the preamble to the Constitution’.


In 1999, while giving a speech on national security at the St. Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, former President Bill Clinton discussed how a biological weapon would be a threat to national security. Essentially he said if a terrorist group or enemy of America unleashed a biological weapon that hit the homeland of the United States, the impact of the bioweapon would equate to an act of war on America.

In other words, if theloss to our liberties and freedoms, if the loss to our economy, if the loss to our military, if the loss of American lives, or if the loss to our children’s future and grandchildren’s future was so great, any of one these categories of losses would equate to the devastation Americans would experience if we were at war with an enemy here on our homeland soil.


When Secretary Azar determined onFebruary 4th, 2020, that the novel coronavirus was a threat to national security, was this in essence a declaration that America is at war with an enemy who unleashed a bioweapon? And who is this enemy? Is it China?Where the Wuhan coronavirus (WIV1-CoV) first appeared on the global scene. China denies these allegations.


Or is it the master-mind behind the invention of the ‘Wuhan virus’ (WIV-CoV-1) Ralph Baric, of the University of North Carolina, who created the bioweapon in collaboration with Dr. Shi Zhengli from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Baric and Zhengli’s research was funded by theNIH and EcoHealth Alliance.

Is Shi Zhengli a war criminal? Or is Ralph Baric? Verbatim from Ralph Baric’s 2016 PNAS publication, “Using the SARS-CoV infectious clone as a template we designed and synthesized a full-length infectious clone of WIV1-CoV….and electroporated into cells to rescue replication competent progeny virions.” Baric confesses to creating weaponized spike proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus using mRNA technology in this paper.


Or is Barney Graham of the NIAID, or Jason McLellan of the University of Texas, war criminals? These men further weaponized and stabilized the highly-inflammatory and highly-deadly ‘SARS-CoV-2 spike protein’ known as the (WIV1)S-2P spike protein. In 2017, Graham and McLellan invented the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV1), two proline mutation (2P), spike (S) in a lab, years before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged.


Per PFIZER’s August 23, 2021, FDA approval, theirmRNA COVID-19 vaccinesproduce the WIV1 S-2P bioweapon, as do other COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.


In 2017, the NIH patented mRNA vaccine technologies that can deliver agents of biowarfare.


Per the2018 DARPA proposalfrom EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, and Dr. Shi Zhenghli; Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance explains how the mRNA gain-of-function biotechnology research team is going to use aerosol delivery methods as well as food contamination, surface, and skin-to-skin contact methods, to infect bats with the lipid nanoparticle encapsulated mRNA technologies and toxins, specifically the weaponized spike proteins (WIV1 S-2P).


Per a 2018 West Point lecture given by Professor James Giordano at West Point’s Modern War Institute, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used as aerosolized neuroweapons to emotionally and mentally hijack influential leaders. Lipid nanoparticles be also used to induce a pandemic of ‘worried well’ or a ‘pandemic of strokes’ (blood clotting).


Per PFIZER’s August 23, 2021, FDA approval there arePEGYlated lipid nanoparticles(LNPs) in the PFIZER COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.


PEGylated lipids and LNPS are both medical devices and military grade nanoweapons.


*Source: Part 12: The Novel Coronavirus is a Threat to National Security per HHS. Does this Mean America’s Been at War Since February 2020?

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