PART 1 || Astroworld: Open Your Eyes To A Whole New Wicked Universe

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By 2030, we are going to be hybrids.’ – Ray Kurzweil Director of Google Engineering 

“Graphene has moved so much money, so many billions of euros that it is normal that it has been able to buy people. In this sense, it is clear to me that people have already swallowed, communicated, and lost any kind of conscience, even though they know that this is really going to provoke. What it is going to provoke, surely, is a hecatomb or an authentic genocide, which is what it intends. Somehow they have seen it as a golden opportunity for the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.”

Was performer Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival a Luciferian sacrificial blood ritual and a successful test run? Before I explain how graphene oxide in the dangerous jabscould have very well played a significant role in this November 5 experiment, I fully realize well how insane a determination of devil worship sounds.

However, consider that pharmaceia (sorcery) has indirectly killed millions since Rockefeller medicine was instituted after the 1910 Flexner Report. US annual estimates now amount to roughly  987,000 medically-caused (iatrogenic) deaths , a rate that surpasses both heart disease and cancer as leading causes of death.

A myriad of examples demonstrates the orchestrated evil in this entire plandemic, including (1) the myth of the masks, (2) knowingly upping the cycle threshold (CT value) on the nondiagnostic PCR “test” to accumulate tons of false positives and scare people with big numbers, (3) incentivizing doctors to the tune of $39,000 per patient to abandon the Hippocratic oath in lieu of deadly ventilators, and (4) consciously telling people that aspirin suddenly can’t be used as an anticoagulating agent.

Let their blood clot!

Welcome To Whole New (Wicked) Universe 

“We was like in f**kin’ hell bro, it was like we were in a concert in hell. We couldn’t breathe,” said an Astroworld concert attendeein a now highly-circulated video. He saw at least 100 people passed out, “turning black and blue. That was some demonic shit.”

He also claimed he personally saw at least 10 people who had died.

However, the media told the public that there were hundreds of injuries and that only 8 to 11 of the 50,000 attendees had their hearts stop due to being crushed by the crowd, including a nine-year-old boy. But did you know that Astroworld’s team of 70 medics stated they had the “impossible job” of treating 11 cardiac arrests at once?

Really? 11 SIMULTANEOUS heart attacks? Doesn’t that seem just a bit odd? (And those are just the deaths we know about.) Is this a new normal? More than 125 fans have filed $750 million in lawsuits against Travis Scott over the Astroworld tragedy. Most causes of death have yet to be confirmed because, at the time of this writing, autopsies are still being conducted.

Meanwhile, during apress conference, Houston police chief Troy Finner said that according to medical staff who treated a security officer, “He was reaching over to restrain or grab a citizen and he felt a prick in his neck.” He was then administered Narcan, a medication used for emergency treatment of suspected opioid overdose.

Finner said no stones would be left unturned. Let’s see about that.

Given the abundance of tries (truth plus lies)that the media injects, not to mention their omissions, what if there was more to the Astroworld event than meets the eye?

The festival’s motto was “Open your eyes to a Whole New Universe.” What if that universe involved graphene oxide (in the vaccines) interacting with thousands of cell-phone-carrying jabbed participants being effectively held in a massive metal cage?

As Dr. Sherri Tennpenny(fast forward to Hour Five for her amazing talk) and others have outlined, the mechanisms of injury of these so-called injections are numerous, but here we explore how graphene oxide interacts with sound, hormones, and electricity.

Graphene oxide is not explicitly listed in these jabs but that’s because it’s a secret proprietary ingredient. You won’t find it labeled on the package insert either, so don’t bother looking for it. Just like KFC doesn’t have to share its special spice recipe, neither does Big Pharma, which already operates with reckless impunity.

You’ve got to wonder why they have worked so hard to conceal the presence of graphene oxide.

Despite denials and even having my own Twitter account suspended for suggesting graphene oxide is ‘the secret sauce,’ that will connect us to the Internet of Things, there is a study on how functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for “robust stimulation of cellular immunity.”

Arguably, graphene oxide was already included as an adjuvant in flu shots in 2019. For instance, here is proof that graphene oxide gives a boost to a new intranasal flu vaccine.

With its multitude of astonishing properties, graphene oxide, actually discovered in 1859, earned the title of a “wonder material.” Graphene oxide is comprised of carbon atoms aligned in a one-atom-thick layer, arranged in the pattern of a hexagonal lattice. While serving as a building block of graphite (used in pencils among other things), graphene is a remarkable substance.

Graphene oxide is not only 150 times stronger than steel, it’s actually the strongest material ever measured. It’s also 1,000 times more conductive than copper, which means it uses less friction and produces less destructive heat than traditional wires.

Graphene oxide is an incredibly diverse material; it can be combined with elements ranging from gases to metals to produce new materials possessing superior properties. In fact, researchers worldwide continue to investigate its properties to create and patent new materials and applications including transistors and computer chips, batteries, supercapacitors and other energy applications like solar cells, touchscreens, and antennas. Medical applications include biosensors, cell imaging, drug delivery hydrogels, and DNA sequencing.

Graphene oxide has been used by companies like Apple, HP, Sony, and Microsoft. Are you a piece of hardware? Why are they putting graphene oxide in our bodies? Is it because the graphene circulates in the blood, and basically forms antennas? Is this part of the transhumanist agenda to connect us with the Internet Of Things (I.O.T.)?

Graphene oxide also has adverse effects on the human body. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione. It can be activated by 5G frequencies, passes thru the blood-brain barrier, is magnetic and toxic.

Before we dive deeper, let’s go back –way back– to the beginning of this plandemic…

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] PART 1 || Astroworld: Open Your Eyes To A Whole New Wicked Universe – The Tenpenny Report

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