Parents beware: Johns Hopkins HEAT wants to brainwash your school-aged children

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We all remember Johns Hopkins Event 201 shenanigans. For those who may have forgotten, Johns Hopkins University, in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, created a notable tabletop exercise known as “Event 201” in October 2019.

This exercise was designed to simulate an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus that could be transmitted from bats to pigs to people, eventually leading to a severe pandemic. As we now know, the primary objective of “Event 201” was to brainwash the already mindless governmental apparatchiks to act in lockstep when COVID-19 trigger words and images get plastered all over media.

To induce and maintain the level of fear of the “virus” with 99.8% survival rate necessary for the high degree of public acquiescence to illegal tyrannical measures, Johns Hopkins University developed the COVID-19 Dashboard. It was launched on January 22, 2020, by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering and the Applied Physics Laboratory:

I don’ think I need to remind anyone that real geniuses work in Hollywood, not at Johns Hopkins. This ingenious dashboard was invented in the late 90’s by the Hollywood’s tireless predictive programming of the global pandemic narrative:

It’s as if the makers of “Outbreak” knew this day would come!

Every totalitarian tyrannical state since Sparta (900-192 BC) relied on a combination of violence and brainwashing, using cult ideology(ies) to instill mass compliance. A totalitarian state always aims at separating the children from the influence of the family, lest they develop state-unauthorized independent critical thinking. Mao’s bloody Cultural Revolution relied heavily on gangs of students. The Cultural Revolution crippled the economy, ruined millions of lives and thrust China into 10 years of turmoil, bloodshed, hunger and stagnation. The Soviet Union had Young Pioneers (compulsory communist organization for school children) and Comsomol (communist student organization). In both, China and the Soviet Union, the children were encouraged to snitch on their parents and family members if their ideas and private speech were anti-communist. The snitching resulted in opportunities for promotion for the youth and imprisonment and labor camps for the family members.

It comes as no surprise to me that Johns Hopkins is now using Lenin-Stalin-Mao little red strategy converting K-12 children into Young Covidian Pioneers.

Johns Hopkins Health Education and Training Corps (HEAT Corps) seeks Johns Hopkins volunteers to be trained and supported to provide health education and training regarding COVID-19, E-cigarettes and Vaping, and Mental Health and Wellness to youth. The program is taught through virtual platforms with schools and non-profit organizations throughout the United States, in other countries, and with a particular focus on Baltimore City Public Schools.

The program’s curriculum was designed to be engaging and developmentally appropriate, delivering over 2,000 virtual sessions to students across more than 100 schools worldwide. Unfortunately, HEAT Corps has not only made significant strides within the United States but has also extended its workshops to six countries, with plans for further expansion.

Just like the Young Pioneers are instructed by the older already thoroughly brainwashed Comsomol young adults, JH HEAT Corps is an opportunity for the graduate students in public health to practice indoctrinating school kids into the dogma of government-approved talking points:

HEAT Corps offers volunteers from within the Johns Hopkins community the chance to develop their health education and teaching skills. These volunteers, including medical residents, nursing students, and public health graduate students, receive comprehensive training to support youth in understanding critical health topics.

To date, HEAT Corps has instructed youth at over 140 schools globally on the COVID-19 curriculum. The program’s virtual teaching sessions, led by Hopkins faculty and students, not only provide educational content but also foster increased engagement between K-12 students and healthcare professionals.

I wonder what happens in these seminars if a child asks why their little brother or sister stopped talking and making eye contact after a “well visit” to the pediatrician, and since then, instead of being a delightful companion he/she is rocking in the corner, occasionally screaming in pain? I think the answer to this question currently approved by the young JH HEAT public health drones is, you guessed it – “long covid”!

Most recently, HEAT has focused on teaching kids about long COVID and their role in preventing it.

The “educational” sessions from HEAT are of course repetition of the same inane covid propaganda talking points that we have all been subjected to for the past 4 years. They are deeply unscientific as they do not allow any room for critical inquiry. They are based on fear (grandma will develop long covid if you don’t get 9 booster shots and continue masking!), blind obedience (follow the science, i.e. what authorities say) and most importantly – blind acquiescence to unconstitutional over-reach, removal of human rights, property, liberty, dignity and even life under pretenses of “public health measures”.

I encourage all my readers with K-12 children to pay close attention to what your kids are being taught and subjected to at school. In addition to the DEI nonsense, we have a covidian cult now! Who is approaching them with offers of “leadership opportunities” and what do those entail? If you cannot afford to homeschool, you need to pay close attention to what is happening with your kids when you are at work. Start a conversation with your children, before the state gets between you and them. Attend school board meetings and tell them you object to the indoctrination. Most importantly, you need to be the role model, when the state will start unrolling yet another wave of “health” tyranny – do not comply!


Source: Parents beware: Johns Hopkins HEAT wants to brainwash your school-aged children.

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