“Pandemics are declared” – what does this mean in practice?

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Historically, epidemics could only be recognized AFTER the fact: after a substantial number of people became ill, died and after a significant economic impact. Examples of real epidemics include mostly water-born, crowding/poor sanitation and vermin-related diseases such as cholera, plague, typhus and smallpox. All of these diseases are eliminated by proper sanitation of water, hygiene and improvement in living conditions. It is not possible to predict an epidemic, unless one purposefully takes measures to poison water or cause significant deterioration of people’s living standards.

In the clown-infested reality that we currently inhabit, the international government-military blob is claiming that they can predict pandemics and declare emergencies based on one fake PCR case of a made-up virus somewhere in the world.

In 2022 Attorneys General of 15 states sued HHS trying to repeal the HHS’ definitions of “public health emergency”. They raised the following concerns:

HHS refused to amend its definitions of a pandemic and insisted that they can claim absolutely anything is a pandemic. HHS ultimately prevailed, the case was re-filed by OK and TX, the judge dismissed it and it was not appealed. In the refusal to amend its definition of a pandemic, HHS stated that “any communicable disease event” – this means a single case of anything they claim “communicable” anywhere in the world (for example, a single cow that “tested positive” for “avian flu”), once announced by the WHO, can qualify for forced testing, tracing, detention and injections of humans or animals in any town or village in any state of the US!

Respiratory seasonal illness is endemic of course, so using these definitions the world can be permanently in a health emergency. Salivating over the final solution, ahem, potential of permanent tyranny, the regime has created a permanent office within the Executive Branch – Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response (OPPR). Here is the Executive Order from April 12, 2024:

OPPR created in March 2023, in response to section 2104 of Dec. 2022 Congressional act, PL 117-328 (Consolidated Appropriations Act), as permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens that could lead to a pandemic or to significant public health-related disruptions in the United States.

Initial and current OPPR Director is Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs.

While OPPR is “leading, implementing and coordinating” the HHS Secretary bestows himself with the power to decide which groups of people he can imprison without any real cause in what location. To do this, he only needs to “reasonably” identify these people as being in “pre-communicable stage of a communicable disease”! I am not making this up. I wish I were. This simply says you can be thrown into the quarantine camp by HHS on their belief that you may have common cold. Potentially. Some day.

The HHS is also saying that they are not delegating authority to the WHO… that’s good, right? Fweedom! Sovereignty! Yippeee! Oh wait…

…but rather, the WHO’s definitions and pronouncements are only “one way” to initiate the medical fascism. Not to worry. The HHS has several other ways in its arsenal!

I think this is highly relevant to the impending WHO/IHR global takeover, because these measures will be enforced by the federal/state/local governments, and of course will be used to imprison people without due process.  Because they already exercised this power in 2020.

I found this statement from HHS in their argument against the 2022 petition for rulemaking from 15 AGs.  They described how they detained over 3000 people and held them at several DOD facilities (translation: arrested them on false pretenses without due process).  Approximately 1100 were those repatriated from Wuhan as well as passengers from Diamond Princess, arriving internationally. However, an additional 2000 people from Grand Princess were already in the US (off CA coast).

History for both cruise ships from CDC can be found here.

There were 800 fake-PCRed “covid cases” and 10 quite real deaths among the combined 3100 detainees. Did the deaths occur in the military detention facilities? Were these people pumped full of remdesivir and fentanyl, designated as “covid deaths”, bodies promptly disposed off while the family paid and threatened to keep silent? You bet.

Does ANY of this require WHO pandemic treaty and IHR sign-off and ratification?

NO, silly!!!

All of this is already firmly enshrined in the US federal and practically all states’ public health laws. In early 2020, the regime (figure-headed by Trump at the time) ran several tests: Diamond Princess for international arrivals and Grand Princess for domestic to make sure they test the procedure and create the legal precedent.

Do you think a vague designation as a “pre-communicable stage” of “potentially pandemic illness” is NOT going to be abused to throw anyone inconvenient to the regime into a DOD prison? Then murder them and call it “Disease X”? Same methods are typically used by communists to round up the masses targeted for extermination.

Here is a sample of quarantine order by HHS (this is for foreign arrivals).

I am writing this for our collective preparedness to future tyranny under pretenses of public health. Many of my subscribers are attorneys. If you have any advice on how to resist this lawfully, please post in comments. My own advice is the following:

  • Do not take cruise ship vacations. Even in the best of times they are floating prisons with great food (the captain is your warden);
  • Do not test with PCR tests for anything. They are all fake methods to target you as “pre-communicable”;
  • Find out if your community sewage system is under CDC’s surveillance for “viruses” (about 40% of US is);
  • Talk to your neighbors, county commissioner, sheriff to find out where they stand on this. Mass awareness is a deterrent;
  • If any quarantine orders are issued to you or your community, take photos, videos, post on social media, be vocal;
  • Take names of any CDC or other agents trying to test, trace or otherwise designate you as a disease vector. Do not let them touch you or examine you as this may be a method to introduce toxic substances to make you sick.
  • Just as with any attempt at detaining you, ask them if you are under arrest, and what are you charged with, do not volunteer any information, insist on having your attorney present;
  • Do not travel to the secondary crime scene (quarantine detention center) that’s never a good idea, as you maybe murdered there and labeled a “Disease X death”;
  • Realize that they cannot prove you have any illness, unless you cooperate, and historically CDC was only able to order quarantine if someone came from a location designated as epidemic outbreak. Use your brain and good judgement.


Source: “Pandemics are declared” – what does this mean in practice?

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