Not every elected official in Oregon is going along with the COVID program.

Stan Pulliam, the Republican mayor of Sandy, Oregon, is encouraging business owners in the state to ignore coronavirus restrictions from Governor Kate Brown, who declared a state of emergency that will last through March 3, 2021 after the previous executive order was scheduled to expire on January 2, 2021.

“I think all Oregonians should take pause, stand up and say ‘this must stop,’” Pulliam said on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom program.

“What we’re talking about doing is having the mass movement opening across the state of Oregon throughout all of our local communities on January 1st, New Year’s Day,” Pulliam said, going on to argue that small businesses should open just “one level under” Governor Brown’s guidelines, which includes wearing proper face masks while social distancing and sanitizing.

“We want to get the storefronts open and get employees back to work,” he said.

The mayor also demanded Brown present the “scientific evidence” of how small businesses are allegedly contributing to the coronavirus spread.

“We talk about spread coming from our local main street and locally owned businesses, but [pay] very little attention to the big-box stores that are packing and supporting corporate America,” Pulliam maintained. “It’s time we stand with [our local communities].”

Pulliam also said that he reached out to the governor to publish the coronavirus data nearly a week ago but has not yet heard back.

Governor Brown “has to make the case to these local small business owners as to why she shut them down but we can pack into corporate America,” the mayor asserted.

A salon owner also accused the Oregon governor of “retaliating” and “terrorizing” her family as she faces a $100,000 lawsuit for defying the state’s lockdown orders. Lindsey Graham, owner of Glamour Salon, argued Brown is acting like “a dictator.”

Both Pulliam and Graham said they have received death threats for their non-cooperation with the COVID-19 restrictions.