Opinion: The Domination of Political Correctness is profoundly damaging Britain

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This article is talking about things going on in the United Kingdom but can be seen in the United States as well as through out the world. This is just part on the global cabal’s plan (agenda).

Political correctness in the United Kingdom and arguably the entire western world has morphed into a tool used to silence opposition and kill off any notion of critical thinking.

It truly is a pitiful state of affairs to watch your own nation commit system suicide.

Sadly, over the last 10 years and arguably longer political correctness has moved away from attempting to be polite and kind to an all-out attack on British culture and values such as freedom of speech.

It is hard to understate the sheer weight that has been thrown behind the political correctness cause, anyone now deemed to be speaking out against the set narrative of the week, month or year could be alienated and, in some cases, forced out of their jobs and located with vigorous hate over social media by the woke mob.

The reality is the dominating culture of political correctness has tragically managed to undo a free and prosperous society.

Words, says and phrases once used as the norm have been pushed aside to allow the new woke controlled agenda to take their place.

Education facilities have re-evaluated how they teach history, in many cases ensuring the globalist political agenda is at the forefront of British youths learning.

Many citizens see ‘Hate Crime’ offences as seemingly being prioritized over some vicious offences, leading many to lose faith in Law Enforcement agencies and levy the charge that they too have been taken in by political correctness.

How did we get here, how did we get to the stage that logic is thrown out the window to appease a minority of people dead set on ensuring we all follow their narrow-minded code of political submission?

What happened to critical thinking, questioning the narrative to try and find the most logical solutions to social issues? Sadly, it seems this way of thinking has been pushed aside to make way for the intelligence deprived new way of thinking, political correctness gone far too far.

It’s a true David Vs Goliath situation: in the woke camp you have what sometimes feels like the entire establishment, on the flip side you have millions of people sick to death of political correctness being weaponized as a tool against western ways of living such as the rampant attacks on the traditional family unit or destruction of history in the form of statues being torn down.

Bit by bit I believe we can all play our part in stopping the increasing spread of this toxic ideology that is stifling freedom of expression on all major playing fields> The real world and the digital space.

Question the narrative, plant the seeds for others to question the narrative and good old fashioned British common sense will find its way back into the country.

Article Source: Opinion: The Domination of Political Correctness is profoundly damaging Britain – Unity News Network

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