Oklahoma Passes Bill To Block Biden Executive Orders

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Our Founding Fathers believed that of the three branches of government the legislative branch would take the lead.  And they were right for a time.  But then members of Congress got lazy and started giving up their powers to the executive and judicial branches.  Today, the Executive branch clearly dominates as they create laws that they call “regulations” but that comes with the same fines and penalties that come with laws, but these regulations never go through Congress.  There is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted all legislation to go through Congress.  It’s because Congress is directly responsible to the people who elect them to office to create laws.   That’s their purpose.  No federal bureaucrats in the executive branch are answerable to anyone but the president.   And with Joe Biden in there now passing sweeping laws through executive orders that have absolutely no powers behind them we have a serious problem.  Executive orders are used by a president to “execute” or “carry out,” if you will, a power that is given to him by Congress or the Constitution.  What Biden is doing is writing orders with no powers behind them.  It’s illegal, but who’s going to stop him?  He’s the president. Well…

It looks like the state of Oklahoma has stepped up to the place as the second state to move to block Biden’s illegal executive orders.

On Thursday, the Oklahoma House passed bill HB 1236 by a vote of 79-18 which would grant the state’s Attorney General (AG) and state Legislature the authority to review Biden’s executive orders in order to determine valid Constitutionality.   But it’s more than just that.  The bill authorizes the state legislature to recommend that the AG review any executive order, federal Congressional action, or any bureaucratic federal agency regulation in order to determine if the state should seek an exemption or simply declare it unconstitutional.  If the AG OR the state Legislature by concurrent resolution deems the order unconstitutional then all state and local officials, including any publicly funded organizations are barred from enforcing it.

Read the full story here: Oklahoma Passes Bill To Block Biden Executive Orders and Could Be the Answer to Washington DC’s Tyranny | DJHJ Media

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