NYC Officials and Small Businesses Object to Proof of Vaccination Mandate

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Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) and other NYC officials are protesting against the recent proof of vaccination mandate issued by NYC mayor Bill de Blasio.

In expression of their disagreement, they sent a letter to de Blasio, a Democrat, demanding a reversal of “this unfair directive immediately.”

“This ‘vaccine passport’ directive not only forces small businesses to deny service to their customers, but it prohibits large swaths of our communities from participating in regular society,” reads the letter led by Malliotakis, the only Republican member representing NYC in Congress.

The mayor announced on Tuesday that indoor dining, gyms, and entertainment venues will require attendees to show proof of vaccination, including staff members, becoming the first city in the country to adopt such a measure.

The mandate is scheduled to be enforced on Sept. 13.

“It is clear to us and our constituents—most of whom have received the COVID-19 vaccine—that this directive represents an extraordinary level of government overreach,” further states the letter, which is co-signed by New York City Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo, Councilman Joseph Borelli, New York state Senator Andrew Lanza, and Assemblymen Michael Reilly and Michael Tannousis.

“Further, it attempts to turn our city’s small businesses into ‘COVID police’ by forcing them to…

Read full story here: NYC Officials and Small Businesses Object to Proof of Vaccination Mandate

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