NYC health commissioner – kids under five should remain masked INDEFINITELY

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New York City‘s new health commissioner sparked outrage after announcing that children aged five and under should wear face masks indefinitely, bucking the national trend of ditching masks and going in the face of vast evidence that kids are at little risk from Covid-19.

‘I think it’s indefinite at this point,’ Dr. Ashwin Vasan said Friday during a COVID-19 briefing in Queens. ‘People who have tried to predict what’s going to happen in the future in this pandemic have repeatedly found egg on their face, as they say, and I’m not going to do that here today.’

The woke commissioner, who lives in Brooklyn with his partner and three children, including a four-year-old son, argued he wanted to mask children because under fives are not vaccinated.

‘As a father of a two-and-a-half-year old-and two other older kids, I want to keep them as safe as possible. I would love nothing more than to send my son to daycare without a mask,’ Vasan said, according to CBS New York.

‘But as a scientist, and as a doctor, and an epidemiologist, I want to keep him safe because he’s not eligible for a vaccine.’

NYC’s new health commissioner, Dr. Ashwin Vasan, thinks that children ages five and under should continue wearing face masks indefinitely despite by the nationwide trend to lift pandemic-era mandates

The commissioner, who has a four-year-old son, argued that unmasking is not safe for those who are unvaccinated

From supporting Critical Race Theory and BLM, to blaming climate change for mental health issues: The bizarre woke tweets of Dr Ashwin Vasan

New York City’s new health commissioner Ashwin Vasan’s hyper progressive liberal tweets, which show his support for critical race theory, BLM and vaccinating young children have been laid bear.

Critical Race Theory 

‘First they came for Critical Race Theory, now they’re coming for mental health and suicide prevention programs when we are literally in the midst of a national children’s mental health emergency? Absurd doesn’t begin to define this logic,’ he tweeted in November 2021.


He cautioned people against using the terms ‘addict’ alleging they are ‘stigmatizing to the lived experience’ of people facing those struggles.

In October 2021 he also called to stop  jailing offenders with mental illnesses and suggested criminals get ‘the resources they need to thrive in their communities.’


In May 2021, he posted: ‘While some progress has been made in the last year, including the conviction of George Floyd’s murderer, it’s not enough. We still have a long way to go to ensure that Black Lives Matter is not just a slogan, but a governing philosophy reinforced by substantive policy reforms at all levels of government.’

Later that year, he called out apparent ‘racist attacks’ that took place at Fountain House and Body in NYC.

‘What was once a safe space for people living with mental illness has become dangerous because of the hate that resides in our city and in our nation. I’m tired…we’re tired, of this hate. But we’re not giving up the fight. Stand with us in solidarity and in the knowledge that #BlackLivesMatter.’

Defund the Police 

Vasan advocated taking money from police departments in favor of ‘community-based mental health interventions’.

In August 2021, he wrote in an op-ed that 1,500 mentally ill people shot and killed by police since 2015 ‘could have been prevented’ if there had been funding for ‘mobile crisis response at the federal and local levels’.


Vasan has advocated for vaccinating children as young as five against COVID.

‘More good news for kids (and parents!): Pfizer is seeking authorization from the FDA for use in children 5-11,’ he wrote. ‘Will definitely be breathing easier once my kids are able to get vaccinated.’

Climate change 

He also argued that climate change negatively impacts mental health, tweeting in November 2021: ‘The mental health impacts of #climatechange cannot be understated.

‘Constantly being on the precipice of disaster and irreversible changes to our planet lead to trauma, PTSD, depression, etc. and we are not equipped to handle it.’


Vasan claimed that the government, and not individuals were to blame for homelessness.

‘Homelessness is not an individual failing,’ he argued. ‘It is a failure of our government’s responsibility to ensure housing is a human right and to keep our most vulnerable safe.’

Children are NOT at serious risk from Covid, multiple studies show

Multiple studies have shown young children are not at serious risk from Covid-19.

Data from from American Academy of Pediatrics shows children accounted…

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