NWO Agenda Explained: COVID, Digital Identity, The Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Agenda 21, etc.

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This article covers a lot of ground and includes a lot of sources. If you don’t know what’s going on with all of this COVID nonsense this will, hopefully, put things into perspective.

This article was long so here’s a quick recap:

  • Elites have openly stated that they are creating a one-world government.
  • COVID/climate change are overblown scams to scare the masses into accepting world government. COVID is not a world-destroying plague, climate change will not end the world.
  • Elites aim to corral humanity into fully-digitized, 5G-powered “Smart Cities,” which may be constructed with Chinese and Israeli technology via the Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Everything you own, including your physical property, internet accounts, various forms of identification, and bank account(s), will be centralized via one singular “digital identity,” and linked into one world-spanning digital control grid.
  • This system will monitor and regulate your behavior, like a China-style social credit system. Those who have too low of a social credit score (racist, sexist, homophobic, unvaccinated, not “eco-friendly,” etc.) will be shut out of basic services.
  • Elites are currently in the process of abolishing private property and transitioning towards a Communistic/Socialistic economic system, with UBI and “communal” ownership, whereby the plebs “own nothing” (and be happy), renting everything from the state / world government / oligarchs.
  • Elites plan to implement a one-world digital/blockchain currency and abolish nation-based currencies (including the US dollar). This may be done incrementally, as Visa and the US government are working together to “digitize” existing physical currencies, or via an artificially engineered financial collapse.
  • The World Economic Forum claims that blockchain will serve as the operating system for the new economy.
  • UBI will enable elites to completely eradicate political dissent by “deplatforming” people from the one-world currency and global financial system, which will be integrated with the digital identity and social system.
  • The plebs will be forced to eat fake, lab-grown “food” because real food is not “environmentally sustainable.”
  • Google tacitly admitted via the Selfish Ledger doctrine that the end goal of their massive data harvesting project is to build a “genetic code” of human behavior (‘behavioral sequencing’), which they can then “hack” for “species-scale” behavioral engineering.
  • Technology related to Elon Musk’s Neuralink may be used to control thoughts and behaviors or to biologically meld individuals’ minds with the behemoth internet control grid.
  • Bill Gates had patented technology to harvest living humans for cryptocurrency.
  • Transhumanism is here.

Please see full article here. It’s well worth the time. 

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Carbon Life form
Carbon Life form
2 years ago

I would rather be dead. This is not life, it’s slavery.

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