New Zealand drops “covid zero” policy, admits plandemic can’t be stopped by chasing “cases” with endless restrictions, lockdowns

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(Natural News) The government of New Zealand has finally come to the realization that its “zero covid” policy – meaning society cannot return to normal until there are no more “positive” test results – is absolutely ridiculous.

To think that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will ever completely disappear is just lunacy, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is now admitting this as she throws in the towel on her previous plan.

After ratcheting up the tyranny to extreme levels and incurring massive backlash, Ardern now says that there is no way to completely eradicate all Chinese Germs from every crevice of the country.

Australia recently admitted the same, following what the United States, Europe and most other countries outside of China have long acknowledged, even if some of them continue to tyrannize their populations with covid fascism.

“We’re transitioning from our current strategy into a new way of doing things,” Ardern told reporters in an announcement.

“With Delta, the return to zero is incredibly difficult, and our restrictions alone are not enough to achieve that quickly. In fact, for this outbreak, it’s clear that long periods of heavy restrictions have not gotten us to zero cases.”

Ardern went on to state that what she and her fellow Branch Covidians have been calling “a long tail” actually “feels more like a tentacle that has been incredibly hard to shake.”

After declaring covid to be “eradicated,” New Zealand blames resurgence on “Delta variant”

What does Ardern’s “new way of doing things” entail? For one, it involves…

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