New Poll Finds Surge In Civic, Political Activism

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Nearly 30% of Americans Getting More Active in Civics and Politics Than They Were Two Years Ago

Vast Majority Believes They are Making a Difference, but Concerned Unity in America Has Become Impossible

Conservatives Favor Being Involved by Voting, Progressives More Active in Joining Organizations, Supporting Causes, and Attending Rallies and Events



(Manitou Springs, CO—August 10, 2022), in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates—one of America’s most respected polling survey firms—is releasing the results of a recent national survey. Results were from a survey of 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide and was conducted July 21st through July 25th.


“This stunning data reveals that—while almost all Americans say that unity in our nation is beyond repair—there is still a huge surge in civic involvement despite that pessimism. People believe their involvement is making a real difference. Americans are still fighting for the country and hoping they can realize a better future,” said Dr. Jeff Myers, President of “In the crosstabs, we find that conservatives are more civically active in voting, both in elections generally and in local issues such as school boards, while progressives are far ahead in actual activism. Progressives are more likely to attend rallies and events, get active in campaigns, and support organizations they believe in.”


All interviews were conducted online; survey invitations were distributed randomly within predetermined geographic units. These units were structured to correlate with actual voter turnout in the general election. This poll of 1,000 general election voters has an accuracy of +/- 3.1% at a 95% confidence interval.  


The complete link to the data can be found here:


KEY INSIGHT: Over a Quarter of American Voters Say They’ve Become More Involved in Civic Engagement Over the Last Two Years:

  • 27 percent of American voters say they have gotten more involved in the civic process within the last two years.
  • 48 percent of American voters say their level of civic engagement has not changed in recent years.
  • 16 percent of American voters say they have withdrawn and become less involved in the civic process within the last two years.
  • 9 percent don’t know.


KEY INSIGHT: Large Majority of American Voters That Are Civically Engaged Believe Their Efforts Make a Difference:

  • 81 percent of American voters say they are civically engaged because they believe it makes a difference:
    • 39 percent say a significant difference
    • 42 percent say a small difference
  • 17 percent of American voters say they don’t know if their civic engagement makes a difference, but it’s important for them to be involved.
  • 2 percent don’t know.


KEY INSIGHT: Vast Majority of American Voters Concerned Unity in America is No Longer Possible:

  • 82 percent of voters say they are concerned that unity in America has become impossible:
    • 45 percent say very concerned
    • 38 percent say somewhat concerned
  • 13 percent of voters say they are not concerned that unity in America has become impossible:
    • 9 percent say not very concerned
    • 5 percent say not concerned at all
  • 5 percent don’t know

The post New Poll Finds Surge In Civic, Political Activism appeared first on DailyClout.


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