New diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the setting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine exposure

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  • Initial clinical events of multiple sclerosis (MS) may occur post COVID-19 vaccination.
  • We discuss five cases of new MS diagnosis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.
  • Newly diagnosed MS in the setting of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is consistent with typical MS features.



Multiple sclerosis (MS) with onset in the setting of acute SARS-CoV-2 virus infection has been reported, and reactivation of MS following non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has been noted, but there have only been three reports of newly diagnosed MS following exposure to mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The association cannot be determined to be causal, as latent central nervous system demyelinating disease may unmask itself in the setting of an infection or a systemic inflammatory response. We report a series of 5 cases of newly diagnosed MS following recent exposure to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Latency from vaccination to initial presentation varied. Neurological manifestations and clinical course appeared to be typical for MS including response to high dose steroids in 4 cases and additional need for plasmapheresis in one case.


Acute neurological deficits in the setting of recent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administration may represent new onset multiple sclerosis.

Download PDF: MultipleSclerosisMRNAVax

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