National Archives To Release Hunter Biden Information

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( – The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) became law In 1966, allowing any person or entity to obtain non-classified government information held by the executive branch. FOIA’s primary purpose was to establish a legal right for citizens to access government information and act as a check against corruption. On November 30, the National Archives informed the White House that American First Legal, a tax-exempt group, filed a FOIA request to obtain records related to the word “Burisma.” It resulted in almost 300 pages of partial or complete emails during the Obama/Biden administration between Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian energy company.

For many years, some have accused Hunter Biden of using his father’s political influence with foreign entities for personal or family gain. The emails date back to 2014 when Joe Biden served as vice president to Barack Obama. Still, the Presidential Records Act allows the current commander-in-chief to claim executive privilege over email communications within 60 days before the National Archives releases them. If the president invokes the clause, the government would seal the emails until January 2029.

In 2014, Hunter Biden joined Burisma’s board of directors. He had no experience in energy but collected a monthly salary of $50,000. He worked directly for Burisma owner and oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.

Will President Biden exert executive privilege to prevent the public from seeing the communications?


Source: National Archives To Release Hunter Biden Information | The Red Wire

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