MUST SEE VIDEO – 8 Stages of Genocide – Maija Hahn

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In case you’ve never heard of Maija Hahn: she is a Speech Language Pathologist and Autism Specialist who has been on the frontlines of speaking truth against what has gone terribly wrong in our American Vaccine Program and the corruption within our regulatory agencies. She’s a mother of children who have been injured by vaccines and she is also a regional director for Michigan for Vaccine Choice.

In the video below she explains the horrifying steps we are now going through with this globalists agenda. It’s the most simple and compelling explanation I think I’ve come across yet. It’s only 22:40 long and well worth the time. It will open your eyes to what’s really going on in America and around the world. PLEASE watch and share.

The First 6 Stages are Early Warnings

  1. Classification – Us vs. Them.
  2. Symbolization – Labels and marks to tell society what group you are in.
  3. Dehumanization – Asymptomatic spreaders, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists.
  4. Organization – Government “Public Health” mandates, shutdowns, quarantines, tracking and tracing, testing, vaccine passports.
  5. Polarization – Through social intimidation, rules, and laws, the undesirable people are limited in how they can participate in society.
  6. Preparation – The final stage before genocide. The plans for how to execute the removal of the intolerable people from society. Developing, equipping, and staffing the detention camps.

And the final two steps:

  1. Stage 7: Extermination – According to the UN, there have been over 70 million deaths due to genocide and politicides since its founding.
  2. Stage 8: Denial – There are a significant number of people that deny the Holocaust. 33% on average. 63% in the Middle East & Africa.

The United States of America has already met the First 6 Early Warning Signs!

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When we don’t understand history, we are destined to repeat it.



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