mRNA Injections are a Threat to Public Health per New York State COVID-19 Hospital Data

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Let’s not forget that COVID-19 was (or is) considered a threat to public health, public safety and national security because of the risk of overwhelming the hospitals and local healthcare systems with severely ill COVID-19 patients.

Data from Pfizer, the FDA, and the Cleveland Clinic demonstrate that the COVID-19 mRNA injections increase the for risk COVID-19 infection, and therefore can increase the risk for severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalizations due to VAERD (vaccine-associated enhanced disease). If we follow the science and real-world evidence, this means that the mRNA injections themselves pose a threat to public safety and should be removed from communities to avoid the risk of overwhelming the healthcare system.

Does this mean that communities with high COVID-19 vaccination rates have a high rate of hospitalization among the vaccinated? Let’s take a look at New York state’s COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ rate versus and COVID-19 hospitalization rates to find out.

High COVID-19 Vaccination Rates = High Infection and Hospitalization Rates per New York State COVID-19 Data…

Read full story: mRNA Injections are a Threat to Public Health per New York State COVID-19 Hospital Data

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