mRNA Booster Acceptance Trickles to 1.3%

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Americans want Pandemic Closure, End Menacing COVID-19 Vaccines

We have come a long way from Americans lining up in a fear-driven trance to get their first COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020 to a near complete lack of interest in 2023. Many factors have fed into this enormous change in public sentiment.

The COVID States Program conducted by Northeastern University and Harvard reported that 75% of Americans took at least one shot. This is considerably less than what the CDC has been reporting on their website. The States report indicated the CDC was double counting those who lost original vaccine cards and had to start new ones.

Jacobs et al reported from the Arizona CoVHORT study that among 2196 initial vaccine recipients, fewer than 20% took a BA4/BA5 booster shot. Natural immunity, side effects, and lack of efficacy were the main reasons why subjects deferred on the injections. Notably there is no cost and they are widely available at pharmacies in every town in America. So the decision to decline was intentional.


Jacobs ET, Cordova-Marks FM, Farland LV, Ernst KC, Andrews JG, Vu S, Heslin KM, Catalfamo C, Chen Z, Pogreba-Brown K. Understanding low COVID-19 booster uptake among US adults. Vaccine. 2023 Oct 6;41(42):6221-6226. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.08.080. Epub 2023 Sep 4. PMID: 37666694.

On October 4, 2023, the Reuters indicated that uptake of the new but already outdated XBB.1.5 boosters was a paltry 1.3%. It is now very likely that word-of-mouth on vaccine injuries, disabilities, and deaths has spread to virtually every American. The country knows the novel genetic products that code for an endless production of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein are not safe.


Likely many of these individuals will be looking to Base Spike Detoxification as the best way to provide reassurance that the body has been cleared of the disease promoting protein engineered in the Wuhan Biosecurity Annex.


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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation


Source: mRNA Booster Acceptance Trickles to 1.3%

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