MP calls for the immediate halt of Covid injections and an inquiry into Big Pharma

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“As the data clearly shows to anyone who wants to look at it, the mRNA vaccines are not safe, not effective and not necessary. I implore the Government to halt their use immediately. As I have demonstrated and as the data clearly shows, the Government’s current policy on the mRNA vaccines is on the wrong side of medical ethics, it is on the wrong side of scientific data, and ultimately it will be on the wrong side of history.” – Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire

Last night, Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament (“MP”), gave an outstanding speech in parliament.  We would like to report it was to a packed House, however, once again the disdain and gaslighting of the public by Parliamentarians was on full display. Notably, there is only one MP on the opposition benches – why is that?

UK House of Commons, Tuesday 13 December 2022, Andrew Bridgen MP (21 mins)

Below we have selected a few highlights from his speech.  However, his speech is important and we encourage everyone to either listen to it in full or read the full transcript HERE.

Vaccine Harms

“A re-analysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s own randomised controlled trials using the mRNA technology, published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine, revealed a rate of serious adverse events of one in 800 individuals vaccinated. These are events that result in hospitalisation or disability, or that are life changing.

“Last week the MHRA authorised those experimental vaccines for use in children as young as six months. In a Westminster Hall debate some weeks ago, I quoted a report by the Journal of the American Medical Association studying the effect of the covid-19 mRNA vaccination on children under five years of age. It showed that one in 200 had an adverse event that resulted in hospitalisation, and symptoms that lasted longer than 90 days.

“Silence on this issue is more contagious than the virus itself, and now so should courage be. I would implore all the scientists, medics, nurses and those in the media who know the truth about the harm these vaccines are causing to our people to speak out.”

It is not the first time Mr. Bridgen has raised vaccine harms. Last week he asked the installed Prime Minister:

There have been more reported deaths and adverse reactions following mRNA vaccinations in 18 months than there have been following every conventional vaccine administered worldwide in the last 50 years. Given that mRNA vaccines are not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding, would my right hon. Friend overturn the big pharma-funded Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s recent recommendation that those experimental vaccines be administered to children as young as six months of age?

Engagements, Volume 724: debated on Wednesday 7 December 2022, Hansard

Puppet Rishi Sunak responded:

First, I believe that covid vaccines are safe and effective. No vaccine – covid or otherwise – will be approved unless it meets the UK regulator’s standards of safety, quality and effectiveness. An independent body, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, determines in which age groups the vaccine is recommended for use as part of the vaccination programme. Of course, the ultimate decision lies with parents.

Engagements, Volume 724: debated on Wednesday 7 December 2022, Hansard

Conflicts of Interest and Corruption in UK’s Regulatory Bodies

“Historically, when undertaking the approval of any drug, the regulators ultimately end up relying on the summary results from the drug companies in their sponsored trials, where the raw data is kept commercially confidential. Furthermore, the MHRA has a huge financial conflict of interest, receiving 86% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry it is supposed to regulate. In effect, we have the poacher paying the gamekeeper.

“Similarly, another investigation revealed that members of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation had huge financial links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation running into billions of pounds. Ministers, the media and the public know that the foundation is heavily invested in pharmaceutical industry stocks.

“Unfortunately, the catastrophic mistake over the approval, and the coercion associated with this emergency-use authorisation medical intervention, are not an anomaly, and in many ways this could have been predicted by the structural failures that allowed it to occur in the first place. Those shortcomings are rooted in the increasingly unchecked visible and invisible power of multinational corporations—in this case, big pharma.

“Big pharma exerts its power by capturing the political environment through lobbying and the knowledge environment through funding university research and influencing medical education, preference shaping through capture of the media, financing think-tanks and so on. In other words, the public relations machinery of big pharma excels in subterfuge and engages in smearing and de-platforming those who call out its manipulations. No doubt it will be very busy this evening.

“It has also been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the mRNA vaccine increases inflammation of the heart arteries. It is covering this up for fear that it may lose funding from the pharmaceutical industry. The lead of that cardiology research department has a prominent leadership role with the British Heart Foundation, and I am disappointed to say that he has sent out non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day. That is an absolute disgrace.

“We have already sacrificed far too many of our citizens on the altar of ignorance and unfettered corporate greed.

“We need an inquiry into the influence of big pharma on medications and our NHS.”

Vaccine Minister’s Response

In response to his speech, Maria Caulfield MP for Lewes and Under-Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Care said:

“It’s important that all members get to discuss and debate issues such as this and they’re entitled to their opinion. I have to say that I strongly disagree with my hon. Friend, not only in the content of his speech, but in the way he derided doctors, scientists and nurses.”

Caulfield is a disgrace.  History will not remember her well.

As for the remaining 649 MPs: the MPs that are present in the House when these important issues are raised indicates which MPs are worthy of their role, some more than others.  It’s time to take note of MPs who are standing up for citizens because all the others should be held accountable.  As there are so few MPs doing the right thing, it is easier to note who they are rather than the many hundreds who are burying their heads in the sand, or worse.  Those who do not stand up and speak out for what is right should no longer be in the position to represent their constituents or the UK and they should be subject to a public inquiry.


Source: MP calls for the immediate halt of Covid injections and an inquiry into Big Pharma – The Expose

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