Moving The Needle On Election Reform – UncoverDC

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Pelosi’s 2019 H.R.1 bill could bring a sea-change in the way elections are conducted. Currently, much of election law is left to the local jurisdiction of the state legislatures.  H.R.1 outlines sweeping changes that would mean a consequential shift in election laws and rules from local control to federal control. In its own words, the document states that its overarching goals are to “expand[s] voter registration and voting access and limits removing voters from voter rolls.” In many ways, it seeks to legitimize many of the questionable practices put into place during the 2020 election, interfering with the states’ ability to make determinations on those practices.”

A Jan. 26 conversation on Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic with former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline of the Amistad Project/Thomas More Society wrestles with how to guard against future election fraud. The pandemic seems to have been used as an excuse by government officials who circumvented state legislatures to change important election laws. Changes were made in key swing states with deadlines, mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, polls monitoring, and more. Dr. Peter Navarro, former Director in the Office of Trade and manufacturing and Assistant to President Trump, wrote a series of volumes as part of his final election report, which showed substantial evidence of how, he maintains, the 2020 election was stolen. UncoverDC wrote a series of articles on those Volumes, which can be found here, here, and here.

Kline firmly believes that the road to ensuring election integrity will be a “long-term effort.” He says that, since Bush v Gore,  the Democrats have been pushing to “institutionalize” election law at the federal level. In other words, the pandemic was just what they needed to finally open the…

Read the full story here: Moving The Needle On Election Reform – UncoverDC

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