Merriam-Webster adds new definition of ‘vaccine’ so Covid ‘vaccines’ can be defined as such

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Well if you ever wanted to know how deep and wide the global cabal’s control on things go, you’ve found it. Literally altering the definition of words to fit their own evil narrative. It’s unbelievable!

Story below.

Merriam-Webster, the dictionary company that has built a reputation for pandering to the “woke” crowd and embracing leftist government mandates, has quietly played their own role in pushing the Covid-19 “vaccines” out to the general public. They added a new definition to their listing for the word “vaccines” to match what’s currently being offered to the American people to fight the coronavirus.

NOQ Report first discovered this by accident. It started with an innocuous Tweet I posted and a comment that followed.

It struck me as odd that the (b) definition seemed to match perfectly with the Pfizer and Moderna versions of the Covid vaccines. According to the dictionary, a vaccine is “a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein).”

The CDC website has a conspicuously similar way of describing the vaccines: “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.”

But that’s not how Merriam-Webster used to define “vaccines.” A search on reveals that the last snapshot of the page before the pandemic did not list the (b) definition for “vaccines.”

Merriam-Webster Vaccines

Neither the words “mRNA” nor “spike protein” appear anywhere on the page.

Read the full story here: Source: Merriam-Webster adds new definition of ‘vaccine’ so Covid ‘vaccines’ can be defined as such

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