My previous article about the mRNA injections has gained a lot of traction across the Internet. As a result, it caught the attention of a few leftist trolls who tried to disparage the facts I presented. This despite the fact that the article was based on words straight from the mouth of the top scientist at Moderna, one of the two companies producing millions of doses of mRNA chemical agents to be shot into the arms of people worldwide.

You can always tell when you hit the target because that’s when the trolls come out.

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS News reporter turned media critic and author of the book SlantedHow the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship, offers this tip when reading or listening to the highly controlled mainstream media:

Be aware that the media use loaded words to steer you away from factual reports that do damage to the false narrative they are trying to feed into the public psyche.

They use words like “‘Baseless,’ ‘Without evidence,’ ‘Debunked,’ ‘Conspiracy theory’ to disparage competing narratives. This often means…


Read the full story here: Source: Medical Technocrats Relabel Gene Therapy Shots As Vaccines