MEDICAL SHOCKER: Nearly all Covid masks are worthless

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(Natural News) The best data to date indicates that the use of surgical or simple face masks are insufficient in most “Covid safety” situations. Even the N95 mask packaging has label verbiage indicating protection that can only go down to 0.3 microns, yet the Covid-19 virus particles have a diameter of approximately 60–140 nm, and that’s 0.06 to 1.4 microns. Did you pass third grade arithmetic? If not, we can help you now.

Let’s break that down elementary style. The decimal .06 is 5 times smaller than .3. That means the Covid virus particles are 5 times smaller than the holes in nearly every mask that nearly every American is wearing. That’s like tossing a basketball through a hula hoop.

It doesn’t take a genius or scientist to see that most masks people are buying on Amazon, at stores, or making themselves (like from cotton/bandanas) have holes with diameters of 3 to 5 microns, rendering them virtually useless in preventing the spread of Covid, whether from the person wearing the mask or being transferred to them by others.

Regardless of how far your saliva or mucus travels when you talk, scream, sing, sneeze or cough, the virus still escapes from these homemade masks, so it’s all psychological for the mask wearer, until mouth bacteria begin infecting the mask-wearing victim. This can lead to pneumonia, and every doctor in America is currently trained to never blame the mask.

If the CDC knows that most masks are worthless, why is America under mask “seige” 24/7/365?


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