Mass Vaccination Triggers Spike in Cases, Deaths

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  • COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign
  • Cambodia began its vaccination campaign in early February after having compiled zero fatalities; after it started its vaccination program, the deaths started piling up
  • It could be that something in the vaccine itself is killing people
  • Salk researchers confirmed that the main damage from COVID is caused by the spike protein not the virus; if that’s the case, then why are we injecting people with vaccines that teach their cells to make spike proteins
  • 118 million Americans have now been injected with a clot-generating spike protein; no one knows how long these potentially lethal proteins remain trapped in the lining of the blood vessels or what damage they might eventually do
  • Now that cases have dropped sharply across the U.S., why not ease up on the vaccinations until there is a better grasp of the long-term risks

COVID cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign. (Please watch this short video before You Tube removes it.1) Why is this happening?

Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the threat of COVID but — in the short term — it appears to make it much worse. Why? And why is COVID now “surging in 4 of 5 the most vaccinated countries?” According to Forbes magazine:2

“Countries with the world’s highest vaccination rates — including four of the top five most vaccinated — are fighting to contain coronavirus outbreaks that are, on a per-capita basis, higher than the surge devastating India, a trend that has experts questioning the efficacy of some vaccines … and the wisdom of easing restrictions even with most of the population vaccinated.”

Zero COVID Fatalities, Until After Vaccination Campaign…

FDA Knew Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID…

Reason to Doubt Vaccine Makers’ Reassurances…

Main Damage From COVID Caused by Spike Protein…

Read full story hereMass Vaccination Triggers Spike in Cases, Deaths

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