3,486 DEATHS in the U.S. – More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED

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by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now recorded 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.

To get a perspective on the magnitude of deaths following COVID shots that are being reported to the CDC, there were only 3,445 deaths reported to the CDC following all vaccines from 1/1/2005 through 11/30/2020, the 15-year period prior to the FDA issuing emergency use authorizations for experimental COVID injections in December of 2020.

3,186 of the reported 3,486 deaths following COVID injections were included in today’s data dump into VAERS, which also included 86,080 injuries with 1,217 permanent disabilities, 12,374 emergency room/doctor visits, 6,282 hospitalized, and 1,906 life threatening injuries.

The breakdown of deaths per EUA injection is as follows.

  • Pfizer/Biontech – 1,476 deaths (Source.)
  • Moderna – 1,540 deaths (Source.)
  • Janssen – 155 deaths (Source.)

According to the CDC’s COVID Vaccine Tracker, the latest statistics on how many doses of each COVID shot have been injected into the population is as follows.

  • Pfizer/Biontech – 116,754,631 doses
  • Moderna – 97,353,734 doses
  • Janssen – 8,040,727 doses


Read the full story here: Article Source: MASS MURDER: 3,486 DEATHS in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED – Vaccine Impact

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