Masks and 4th Generation Warfare – Kate Shemirani

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If you search duckduckgo for Kate Shemirani’s name you’ll get a plethora of claims about who she is. In wikipedia it says she is a British conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer and former nurse. She is best known for promoting conspiracy theories about COVID-19, vaccinations and 5G technology. Well, wow, I like her already. Why? Because anytime THEY say anything bad about someone else it must mean that the person is onto something that’s true and THEY don’t want you to hear it or believe it.

So anyway, her video is below. She has joined literally thousands of nurses and doctors from all around the world to blow the whistle on all the lies that are being forced onto us by corrupt governments that only want complete and utter control over you and your family. So you listen to her and be your own judge.

Kate Shemirani’s inspiring story about how, after her breast cancer diagnosis, she turned her health around while juggling life and four kids will blow you away! Kate is a nurse (of 35 years), researcher and personal nutritionist. Her focus is on raising awareness of the toxic world we live in. She believes in helping people through a problem, reaction, solution approach to health.


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