Mask Whistleblowers TELL ALL

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Masks: There are some jobs that require them:

  • Nail Technicians
  • Painters
  • Medical Professionals
  • Clean Room Technician

But, since the pandemic, the purpose and use of a mask has drastically changed.

People now wear them all day, every day… to ‘protect them from a virus.’

Have you stopped to think if your mask is even doing its job?

Yes, I’m talking about that crumpled up ball of cloth sitting in your center console that you grudgingly put on as you enter your local supermarket.

Yes, I’m talking about the same mask that OSHA has rules and regulations for!


Because through YEARS and YEARS of study we have learned that masks, if not worn correctly, will do more harm than good.

OSHA magically and suddenly changed their stance on masks in the face of C0V!D.

They just threw away decades of data.

Have you done any research or have you just followed the crowd? Are you scared? Do you think masks will protect you?


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