Mandatory US Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower With Transgender Comrades

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Mandatory US Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower With Transgender Comrades
Mandatory US Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower With Transgender Comrades

US Army “Showering Requirement” REVEALED

( – It’s not uncommon for the US military to issue mandatory training on issues like sexual harassment. Still, a new order from top brass exposed by Breitbart News could make many soldiers extremely uncomfortable and harm unit morale. Unlike virtually any other civilian job, the military often requires service members to interact with each other in sensitive places like barracks, bathrooms, and shower facilities. The news outlet says it obtained training slides that tell soldiers they must modify their behavior in these environments with transgender individuals.

The military is instructing soldiers to accept that they must live and work with transgender individuals. That may not seem so bad. Yet, the new rules say that even if a biological man hasn’t had transition surgery, that person must be allowed to shower with women in open shower facilities, and vice versa. The training also instructs troops to respect privacy concerns because the military doesn’t expect transgender service members to modify or adjust their behavior if their body parts don’t align with their stated gender.

So, the majority must accept being uncomfortable for the sake of an extreme minority. If soldiers don’t like the policy, they are free to discuss it with their chain of command, but that won’t reverse the new expectations from higher-ups.

Could this policy hurt the military’s already compromised retention rates? Could it result in fewer enlistments?

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