Making Educated Vaccination Decisions

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The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) serves as a public resource to assist families and individuals in vaccination decision-making. We hope the information you find on our website helpful in making an informed decision. NVIC encourages the public to continue to seek information and ask questions. Vaccination is not an easy subject and it is not an easy decision to make. Parents and individuals are in charge of these health decisions and ultimately are responsibile for their outcomes and the health and well-being and you and your child – not your doctor or state or federal health officials. Below are tips and resource links to assist families and individuals in making educated and informed vaccination decisions.

Vaccination Tips & Resources

Vaccination is a medical procedure which carries the risk of injury and death. Parents and individuals hold the responsibility to become educated about the benefits and risks of vaccines in order to make the most informed, responsible vaccination decisions. Click on each topic below to learn more.

See complete tips list here…

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