Majority of Canadians want nothing to do with COVID vaccines, data suggests

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According to updated statistics released Tuesday, the vast majority of Canadians want nothing to do with the COVID vaccine anymore.

Data shows 83% of Canadians have not received a COVID vaccine in six months or more.

Yet earlier this month, Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommended people get vaccinated every 3-6 months. Dr. Theresa Tam held a press conference to share NACI’s guidance with Canadians. She masked up to say:

“Across Canada, as more people go beyond the six-month time lapse since their last vaccine dose or infection, population immunity is falling and leaving us all less protected.”

Therefore, according to government statistics and NACI’s definition, 4 out of 5 Canadians are not “up-to-date” with their COVID vaccinations.

And the Trudeau Liberals are not happy about these stats.

Earlier this week, Trudeau threatened to take away Canadians’ freedoms unless they get vaccinated for a 1st or 5th time — whatever is “up-to-date” for them.

“If we’re able to get a high enough level of vaccination, it would reduce the danger of needing to take other health measures to make sure we’re all safe and not overloading our hospitals,” Trudeau said.

Additionally, almost all Canadians with children under five refrained from injecting their babies with the magic juice. Only 1% of the 0-4 age group have completed their “primary series” of shots.

In other words, 99% of parents have decided their babies don’t need to get COVID vaccinated, despite Health Canada’s best efforts to convince them otherwise.

In July, Health Canada approved the COVID vaccines for babies, even while other countries are pulling the vaccines from their shelves.

Denmark, for example, has banned the vaccine for people under 50. The UK government stopped offering it to kids under 12.


*Source: Majority of Canadians want nothing to do with COVID vaccines, data suggests – The Counter Signal

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